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For Teenage Guys 13-19 only (Long Poll)

PLEASE READ!!! I have compiled a list of the most popular questions on a teenage guys life from multiple polls on this site. Please be truthful, it is anonymous. This is just meant to see what other guys your age may be going through/feeling/thinking so that you are more comfortable with yourself. Please no crazy weird conversations in the discussion, only talk about things related to the poll. I am also within the same age range of the poll, not some creepy old man like many other polls. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER IF IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE!!!


98% (294) Yes
1% (3) No (please read intro)

297 voters have answered this question.

What is your age?

3% (10) Under 13 (prefer if you don't answer, you can view the results)
16% (49) 13
14% (43) 14
20% (62) 15
14% (44) 16
11% (33) 17
7% (23) 18
6% (20) 19
4% (13) Over 19 (prefer if you don't answer, you can view the results)

297 voters have answered this question.

What is your sex?

95% (284) Male
2% (7) Female (prefer if you don't answer, you can view the results)
0% (1) Transgender
0% (1) Other
1% (4) Prefer not to say

297 voters have answered this question.

What is your sexuality?

38% (113) Straight
16% (49) Bisexual
16% (50) Bi-curious
14% (43) Gay
1% (5) Asexual
1% (5) Pansexual
7% (21) Not sure yet
1% (3) Other
2% (8) Prefer not to say

297 voters have answered this question.


98% (292) Yes (continue with poll)
1% (5) No (skip to next section)

297 voters have answered this question.

Do you procrastinate?

1% (5) Never
9% (29) Rarely
45% (131) Sometimes
27% (81) Often
15% (45) All the time

291 voters have answered this question.

Do you consider yourself lazy?

30% (88) No
51% (150) Sometimes
17% (52) Yes

290 voters have answered this question.

Do you get anxious often?

24% (71) No
43% (124) Sometimes
31% (91) Yes

286 voters have answered this question.

If yes or sometimes, in what situations do you get most anxious?

25% (61) Public
53% (128) Public speaking
50% (121) Presenting to a class
37% (91) Conversations with a stranger
37% (91) Talking to girls/guys
39% (95) Unexpected situations
32% (78) At large gatherings
52% (126) Under stress
34% (83) Under peer pressure
9% (24) Other

241 voters have answered this question.


98% (293) Yes (continue with poll)
1% (4) No (skip to the next section)

297 voters have answered this question.

At what age did you start puberty?

52% (152) Younger than 13
29% (87) 13
9% (27) 14
3% (10) 15
2% (6) 16
0% (0) 17
0% (2) 18
2% (7) Haven't started

291 voters have answered this question.

What have you noticed about your changing body?

62% (180) Deeper voice
57% (168) Taller
66% (193) Hairier
37% (110) More muscle mass
68% (198) Larger penis
82% (239) Erections
76% (223) Semen when you ejaculate

290 voters have answered this question.

What is your body type?

28% (84) Slim/toned
10% (32) Muscular
30% (90) Average
17% (51) Skinny
10% (32) Chubby
0% (1) Obese
0% (2) Morbidly obese

292 voters have answered this question.

If you have hair (other than on your head), where is it on your body?

85% (235) Armpits
56% (155) Arms
67% (185) Legs
47% (131) Face
31% (86) Chest
24% (68) Feet
92% (255) Pubic area
42% (116) Buttocks

276 voters have answered this question.

If you shave, where?

34% (100) I don't
44% (127) Face
15% (44) Armpits
33% (95) Pubic area
9% (26) Everywhere
4% (14) Other

286 voters have answered this question.

If you shave your pubic hair, how?

40% (67) Clean shaven
53% (89) Short trim
16% (28) Manscaped

165 voters have answered this question.

If you shave your public hair, when?

6% (10) Everyday
24% (41) A few times a week
44% (74) A few times a month
26% (44) A few times a year

165 voters have answered this question.

How large is your penis?

3% (11) Under 3 inch (-7.62cm)
4% (12) 3 inch (7.62cm)
7% (20) 3.5 inch (8.89cm)
8% (25) 4 inch (10.16cm)
7% (20) 4.5 inch (11.43cm)
12% (36) 5 inch (12.70cm)
13% (39) 5.5 inch (13.97cm)
16% (46) 6 inch (15.24cm)
11% (32) 6.5 inch (16.51cm)
6% (18) 7 inch (17.78cm)
4% (12) 7.5 inch (19.05cm)
1% (4) 8 inch (20.32cm)
3% (10) Over 8 inch (20.32+cm)

285 voters have answered this question.

Are you circumcised?

53% (155) Yes
46% (133) No

288 voters have answered this question.

Do you like it that way?

37% (106) Cut - I like it
5% (16) Cut - I don't like it
30% (86) I don't care
23% (67) Uncut - I like it
3% (10) Uncut - I don't like it

285 voters have answered this question.

Do you masturbate?

95% (285) Yes
4% (12) No

297 voters have answered this question.

If yes, how much?

46% (130) Multiple times per day
28% (80) Once per day
30% (86) Multiple times per week
4% (12) Once per week
3% (9) Multiple times per month
2% (6) Once per month
1% (4) Multiple times per year
1% (4) Once per year

278 voters have answered this question.

If yes, how long are your sessions on average?

12% (34) Under 5 minutes
24% (67) 5 minutes or over
23% (65) 10 minutes or over
23% (64) 15 minutes or over
12% (36) 1/2 hour or over
4% (12) 1 hour or over

278 voters have answered this question.

If yes, where do you masturbate?

70% (196) Bathroom
88% (247) Bedroom
23% (65) Living room
7% (20) Family's bedrooms
9% (26) Kitchen
20% (57) Basement
13% (37) Garage
22% (64) Back yard
6% (17) Front yard
12% (36) Car
30% (85) Someone else's house
17% (49) Where ever I am in the moment
13% (39) Other

279 voters have answered this question.

If yes, have you masturbated with others?

33% (93) No
23% (66) Brother(s)
9% (26) Sister(s)
55% (155) Friend(s)
8% (25) Family
21% (59) Teammates
24% (69) Classmates
9% (27) Other

280 voters have answered this question.

If yes, how do you clean up afterwards?

59% (161) Tissue
25% (69) Rag
19% (52) Sock
32% (88) Underwear
42% (114) Toilet paper
28% (76) Swallow
12% (33) Other

269 voters have answered this question.

Have you been caught masturbating?

42% (117) Never
33% (94) Friend(s)
26% (74) Brother(s)
10% (30) Sister(s)
12% (36) Mother
12% (35) Father
8% (23) Family
3% (11) Partner
12% (35) Stranger in public
3% (10) Other

277 voters have answered this question.

Do you enjoy being naked?

64% (186) Yes
4% (13) No
20% (60) Sometimes
10% (29) I'm never naked (besides changing or shower/bathing)

288 voters have answered this question.

Are you ever naked around anyone?

65% (189) Yes
18% (53) No
11% (34) No, I haven't had the chance
3% (11) No, I never want to be

287 voters have answered this question.

If yes, who?

50% (109) Myself
47% (104) Brother(s)
22% (48) Sister(s)
70% (153) Friend(s)
30% (66) Cousin(s)
23% (51) Mother
25% (55) Father
23% (50) Other (Uncle, Aunt, Grandparents, ect.)

217 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

53% (153) Yes
23% (66) No
20% (58) No, I haven't had the chance
3% (9) No, I never want to

286 voters have answered this question.

If yes, with who?

36% (57) Myself
46% (72) Brother(s)
20% (31) Sister(s)
78% (122) Friend(s)
36% (57) Cousin(s)
14% (22) Mother
19% (30) Father
21% (33) Other (Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents, ect.)

155 voters have answered this question.

Have you had sex?

42% (121) Yes
2% (6) Yes but i didn't like it
45% (130) No, but i want to
9% (28) No and i don't want to

285 voters have answered this question.

If yes, with who?

65% (100) Male
57% (88) Female
7% (11) Other

153 voters have answered this question.

Have You Ever Experimented Sexually With Other Males?

57% (172) Yes
26% (80) No
15% (45) No but i want to

297 voters have answered this question.

If yes, what did you do?

52% (93) Kissing
32% (57) Fingering
64% (114) Blowjob
83% (147) Handjob
34% (61) Anal Sex
19% (34) Other

176 voters have answered this question.

If yes, with who

13% (24) Partner(s)
84% (148) Friend(s)
25% (44) Family
16% (29) Other(s)

175 voters have answered this question.

Do you watch pornography?

85% (242) Yes
14% (40) No

282 voters have answered this question.

If yes, how much?

32% (81) Everyday
37% (92) Every other day
17% (44) Once a week
15% (39) A few time a month
2% (7) Once a month
4% (10) A few time a year

246 voters have answered this question.

If yes, what kind

9% (24) Magazines, straight porn
8% (21) Magazines, gay porn
53% (128) Internet, straight adult (18+) porn
46% (113) Internet, gay adult (18+) porn
63% (152) Internet, straight teen (18-22) porn
56% (136) Internet, gay teen (18-22) porn
15% (38) Other

241 voters have answered this question.

Is it okay for someone to watch porn that is opposite their sexuality (ex. straight-->gay, gay-->straight)?

92% (248) Yes
7% (19) No

267 voters have answered this question.

Have you tried to urinate anywhere other than the toilet?

7% (21) No
76% (218) Outside
73% (210) In the shower/bath
23% (66) On self (body, mouth, clothing, ect.)
60% (172) In water (pool, lake, ocean, ect.)
9% (26) Other

284 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever tried to give yourself a headjob?

60% (168) Yes
39% (111) No

279 voters have answered this question.


97% (289) Yes (continue with poll)
2% (8) No (skip to next section)

297 voters have answered this question.

What kind of underwear do you wear?

42% (122) Briefs
47% (136) Boxer-briefs
32% (92) Boxers
5% (16) Thong
17% (50) Jockstrap
30% (87) Nothing (Free-balling)
3% (11) Other

287 voters have answered this question.

What do you wear to bed?

19% (55) Full pajamas
8% (25) Pajama pants only
16% (48) Tee shirt and shorts
4% (13) Tee shirt only
10% (31) Shorts only
38% (111) Underwear only
50% (145) Nothing (nude)
2% (8) Other

289 voters have answered this question.

What do you wear at home?

30% (86) No shirt
14% (42) Tank top
69% (196) Tee shirt
18% (52) Other type of shirt
66% (187) Underwear
63% (178) Shorts
14% (41) Swimwear
32% (92) Jeans
35% (99) Sweat pants
8% (25) Cargo pants
10% (30) Other type of pants
39% (112) Socks
15% (45) Shoes
17% (49) Flip flops/sandals
10% (30) Slippers
49% (140) Barefoot
2% (7) Other type of footwear

282 voters have answered this question.

What do you wear at school?

37% (106) Uniform
63% (181) Your choice (including clothing above)

285 voters have answered this question.

What do you wear during gym class/phys ed.

41% (116) Your choice (including clothing above)
33% (94) Sports uniform
28% (80) School provided uniform
21% (61) No shirt (shirt vs skins)

280 voters have answered this question.


95% (285) Yes (continue with poll)
4% (12) No (skip to next section)

297 voters have answered this question.

Do you play sports?

73% (217) Yes (continue with poll)
26% (80) No (skip to next section)

297 voters have answered this question.

What sports do you play?

36% (77) Track and field (running, high jump, long jump, javelin, shot put, ect.)
14% (30) Water sports (kayaking, rowing, surfing, canoeing, ect.)
45% (96) Aquatic sports (swimming, diving, scuba diving, ect.)
22% (48) Strength and agility (archery, boxing, cycling, gymnastics, ect.)
25% (53) Fighting styles (wrestling, judo, karate, mixed martial arts, sumo, ect.)
60% (128) Ball sports (baseball, basketball, tennis, golf, lacrosse, rugby, football, volleyball, ect.)
7% (16) Ice sports (hockey, figure skating, curling, bobsledding, ect.)
9% (20) Motor sports (motor racing, rally cross, go-kart, dirt bikes, motorbikes, ect.)
16% (34) Winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, biathlon, ect.)
9% (21) Other

212 voters have answered this question.

Why do you play sports?

83% (175) For fun
43% (92) For the social aspects
51% (109) For the workout
39% (83) For the competition
3% (7) Pursuing a career
14% (30) My parents/friends forced me to do it

210 voters have answered this question.

How often do you play?

33% (71) Everyday
11% (24) When the weather is suitable
38% (82) A few times a week
5% (11) A few times a month
9% (20) When I have time
1% (3) Other

211 voters have answered this question.

Are you required to wear a jockstrap?

30% (67) Yes
6% (15) Yes, but I chose to
15% (34) Sometimes
29% (65) No
17% (39) Jockstraps are not used in my sport

220 voters have answered this question.

Are you required to shower after sports?

70% (157) Yes
16% (37) Sometimes
13% (30) No

224 voters have answered this question.

If yes, do you mind?

11% (24) Yes
15% (34) Sometimes
72% (155) No

213 voters have answered this question.

If no, do you shower anyway?

78% (129) Yes
12% (20) Sometimes
9% (15) No

164 voters have answered this question.

If you shower, what do you wear?

93% (200) Nothing (nude)
4% (9) Underwear
11% (25) Swimwear
2% (6) Towl
1% (3) Sports uniform

213 voters have answered this question.

If you shower nude, do you mind having to shower in front of others?

14% (31) Yes
14% (30) Sometimes
28% (61) At first, but not anymore
42% (89) No

211 voters have answered this question.

If you are in an aquatic sport, what do you wear?

21% (32) Board shorts
67% (100) Speedo
12% (19) Mesh or athletic shorts
4% (7) Singlet/leotard
20% (31) Nothing (nude)
7% (11) Other

149 voters have answered this question.


96% (286) Yes (continue with poll)
3% (11) No (skip to next section)

297 voters have answered this question.

What type of school do you attend?

64% (192) Public
27% (83) Private
4% (12) Homeschool
4% (13) Collage
2% (8) University
1% (5) Other
1% (3) Did not attend (skip to next section)

297 voters have answered this question.

What is your opinion on school?

20% (55) I love it, it is important
6% (19) I love it, it's whatever
1% (4) I love it, but it is not important
37% (102) I don't mind it, it is important
14% (39) I don't mind, it's whatever
1% (5) I don't mind it, But it is not important
9% (27) I hate it, but it is important
5% (14) I hate it, it's whatever
1% (5) I hate it, it is not important
0% (2) Other

272 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever get bullied by others?

16% (46) Yes
29% (79) Sometimes
54% (147) No

272 voters have answered this question.

If yes or sometimes, why?

26% (35) I'm "weak"
16% (21) I'm "lame"
37% (49) I'm "nerdy/geeky"
39% (52) I'm "gay"
17% (23) I'm "annoying"
33% (44) I'm a "weirdo"
18% (24) Other

131 voters have answered this question.

Have you told someone?

50% (68) No
2% (4) No, but I want to
30% (41) A trusted friend
28% (38) A trusted adult (teacher, parent, guidance counselor, etc.)
6% (9) An authority figure (doctor, police officer, therapist, ect.)

135 voters have answered this question.

Do you use the change room during Phys. Ed?

87% (232) Yes
6% (16) Sometimes
6% (16) No

264 voters have answered this question.

What do you mainly use a locker room at school for?

36% (97) Changing for gym/sports class
53% (143) Changing for gym/sports class & showering after class
4% (12) Changing for sports activities after school
4% (13) Other

265 voters have answered this question.

If you get changed in a school locker room, to what degree do you undress?

44% (115) Strip down to underwear, then redress
56% (147) Strip down naked, then redress
15% (41) Undress/redress in stages so that you are always partially clothed

261 voters have answered this question.

If you strip down in a school locker room, do you let others see you in underwear/nude?

67% (172) Yes, I do not mind
26% (67) Yes, but it depends on who is around
6% (16) No, I do it in private
4% (11) No

256 voters have answered this question.

Does your school locker room have showers?

70% (187) Yes, the open style communal showers
16% (43) Yes, individual showers with dividers
6% (18) Yes, individual showers in cubical's
6% (17) No

265 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever shower in school locker rooms?

61% (161) Yes, every time after sports/gym class
9% (26) Yes, but only occasionally
7% (20) Yes, but only when I am told to
22% (60) No

263 voters have answered this question.

What group did you fit into in school?

14% (38) Jock
12% (34) Prep
13% (35) Nerd
13% (35) Geek
1% (3) Bully
15% (42) Outcast/loner
4% (11) Partier
24% (65) Other

263 voters have answered this question.

Do you think it's better to have a few good friends or many basic friends

86% (234) Good friends
5% (16) Basic friends
8% (22) It doesn't matter

272 voters have answered this question.

When at school do you feel like you are being judged by others?

25% (67) Yes, a lot
35% (95) Yes, occasionally
21% (57) Yes, but I don't care
17% (48) No

267 voters have answered this question.

If yes, what do you feel judged on?

72% (156) Looks
51% (111) Style
51% (111) Body shape
42% (91) Sexuality
8% (18) Race
12% (28) Gender
61% (132) Sports ability
38% (84) Academic ability

216 voters have answered this question.

FOR THOSE WHO ARE CONSIDERED POPULAR do you still feel judged despite your popularity?

31% (46) Yes
41% (61) Sometimes
26% (39) No

146 voters have answered this question.

This is the end of the poll

0 voters have answered this question.

Out of 5, please rate your enjoyment of this poll

2% (8) 1
4% (13) 2
23% (70) 3
30% (90) 4
39% (116) 5

297 voters have answered this question.

Out of 5, please rate the quality of this poll

3% (10) 1
2% (7) 2
21% (63) 3
30% (90) 4
42% (127) 5

297 voters have answered this question.

If you have any recommendations for questions or would like a question changed or removed, please say so here. Include the entire question and list the changes you would like to see. Thank you.

No graph available for this question

17 voters have answered this question.

Will you leave a comment about the poll in the discussion page?

14% (31) Yes
85% (176) No

207 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2019-06-25 19:03:35 by mattandchill69
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