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Democratic party(For Americans)

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Give honest answers. Only Democrats may vote. Thank you.

What is your racial backround?

100% (10) 1.White
10% (1) 2.Black
0% (0) 3.Hispanic
0% (0) 4.Asian
10% (1) 5.Other

10 voters have answered this question.

What do you like best about the Democratic party? Pick any that apply.

44% (4) 1.Honesty
55% (5) 2.Defense of poor people
44% (4) 3.Defense of minorities
44% (4) 4.regulation of economy
22% (2) 5.higher taxes
44% (4) 6.Welfare
55% (5) 7.decrease of military
55% (5) 8.tolerance
44% (4) 9.other

9 voters have answered this question.

What don't you like about the Republican party? Check all that apply.

55% (5) 1.Religious right
66% (6) 2.racism
77% (7) 3.Tax cuts for the rich
66% (6) 4.increase in military spending
22% (2) 5.lowering taxes
44% (4) 6.dismantling of welfare state
33% (3) 7.opposition to affirmative action
66% (6) 8.dishonesty
55% (5) 9.Anti-poor,working class
55% (5) 10.Other

9 voters have answered this question.

What is your opinion towards Socialism?

10% (1) 1.The only solution to the end of poverty, racism and war.
70% (7) 2.O.k., if mixed with capitalism
20% (2) 3.Bad

10 voters have answered this question.

What is your opinion towards Capitalism?

22% (2) 1.An evil system that exploits the poor and working class and benifits the rich.
55% (5) 2.O.k., if regulated
22% (2) 3.A great system that insures maximum freedom

9 voters have answered this question.

What is your opinion towards religion?

90% (9) 1.Seperate religion and State
10% (1) 2.Religious involement in politics.

10 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-12-23 18:41:35 by bombshell98673467
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