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Presidential Election

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This is a series of questions regarding the Presidential Election and it's processes.

Did you vote in the 2000 Presidential Election?

50% (6) Yes
50% (6) No

12 voters have answered this question.

If not, why?

9% (1) Not interested
18% (2) Thought Gore had won
18% (2) Didn't like the candidates
27% (3) I did vote
27% (3) None of the above

11 voters have answered this question.

If you did vote, who did vote for?

27% (3) Gore
27% (3) Bush
18% (2) Buchanan
9% (1) Nader
9% (1) Browne
9% (1) other

11 voters have answered this question.

If the race were held again today, would you vote for the same person?

50% (6) yes
16% (2) no
16% (2) not sure
16% (2) didn't vote

12 voters have answered this question.

Should Gore concede if the absentee ballots have Bush in the lead?

36% (4) Yes
36% (4) No
27% (3) Not sure

11 voters have answered this question.

Do you understand how the electoral college works?

54% (6) Yes
45% (5) No

11 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that we should abolish the electoral college, reform it, or leave it alone?

40% (4) abolish it
30% (3) reform it
30% (3) leave it alone

10 voters have answered this question.

Out of the two social security plans given by Gore and Bush, which do you favor?

55% (5) Gore's
44% (4) Bush's

9 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that people who make mistakes on their ballots but do not say anything until the election was over should get to vote over?

57% (4) Yes
42% (3) No

7 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that Bush should concede if the hand count gives Gore the lead after the absentee ballots are counted?

33% (4) yes
33% (4) no
33% (4) not sure

12 voters have answered this question.

Do you vote for one party in elections or are you open to voting for another party?

41% (5) Straight ticket
58% (7) vote based on person not party

12 voters have answered this question.

Should we get rid of political parties in order to ensure that voters have to know who they are voting for?

57% (4) Yes
42% (3) No

7 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that this Presidential election is dividing America or will it all work out in the end

42% (3) It will work out
57% (4) We are divided

7 voters have answered this question.

Are you more likely to vote in the next election or less likely.

36% (4) More likely
36% (4) Less likely
27% (3) not sure

11 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that voter fraud is a problem in our political system?

30% (3) Yes
40% (4) No
30% (3) not sure

10 voters have answered this question.

How do you want to be identified?

45% (5) As an American
18% (2) By my Race
9% (1) By my Sex
9% (1) By my sexual orientation
18% (2) other

11 voters have answered this question.

Do campaign ads change your mind about a candidate?

27% (3) yes
54% (6) no
18% (2) sometimes

11 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that the two major parties can work together in a bipartisan way, or will they just argue?

30% (3) Work in bipartisan way
30% (3) Argue
40% (4) A little of both

10 voters have answered this question.

Should Bush or Gore take this to court if they do not win?

33% (4) Yes
33% (4) No
33% (4) It depends on the reason

12 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2000-11-12 02:00:37 by MPC1053067384
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