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Teen's Jobs

Looking for the old results?
For teens 13-19 ONLY please, or the results won't be true.

How old are you currently?

73% (179) 13
5% (13) 14
5% (14) 15
8% (21) 16
4% (10) 17
0% (1) 18
2% (5) 19

243 voters have answered this question.

Do you CURRENTLY have a paying job?

22% (54) yes
77% (190) no

244 voters have answered this question.

How long have you had the job you currently have?

2% (6) less than one month
10% (25) 1-6 months
4% (10) 6-12 months
4% (10) 1-2 years
0% (2) 2-3 years
1% (3) 3-5 years
0% (1) 5-8 years
0% (0) over 8 years
76% (185) I do not have a job

242 voters have answered this question.

What type of job to you have? If you have multiple jobs, choose all that apply.

2% (6) Department store
2% (5) Shoe store
5% (11) Fast-food
1% (3) gas station
3% (7) grocery store
2% (6) sit-down restaurant
1% (3) delivery person, food, merchandise, newspapers, mail, etc.
0% (0) stocks/investing
11% (25) babysitting (only check this if done within past month)
0% (2) recording artist/singer/etc.
0% (1) artist
1% (3) actor/actress
0% (0) designer of any type
0% (2) animal groomer/trainer/kennel/etc.
1% (3) farm/ranch/orchard work
0% (1) truck driver
8% (18) other(sorry yours wasn't posted, feel free to tell us in the message area!)
70% (149) I don't have a job
1% (4) Hair salon
0% (1) Auto store

212 voters have answered this question.

How much do you make per hour? Please be honest!

0% (2) $.01-$1.00
0% (1) $1.00-$2.00
0% (1) $2.00-$3.00
0% (2) $3.00-$4.00
2% (5) $4.00-$5.00
1% (4) $5.00-$6.00
2% (5) $6.00-$7.00
6% (15) $7.00-$8.00
1% (4) $8.00-$9.00
1% (4) $9.00-$10.00
1% (4) $10.00-$15.00
1% (3) $15.00-$20.00
0% (2) $20.00 or more
65% (155) I don't have a job
2% (6) I wish not to answer this question.
9% (23) I don't get payed by the hour

236 voters have answered this question.

On average, how many hours do you work per week?

2% (6) 1 or less
4% (11) 1-5
3% (9) 5-10
3% (9) 10-15
2% (7) 15-20
2% (5) 20-25
0% (2) 25-30
0% (1) 30-35
0% (2) 35-40
3% (8) over 40
74% (175) I do not have a job

235 voters have answered this question.

How well do you like your job?

76% (178) I don't have a job
1% (3) I hate it with a passion
2% (5) I don't really like it
5% (14) It is okay
0% (1) I have no real feelings for it
8% (19) I like it
5% (14) I love it, I can't wait to go to work!

234 voters have answered this question.

Our of curiosity, if you work at a place listed below, please select it.

17% (7) Burger King
31% (13) McDonald's
17% (7) Kentucky Fried Chicken
7% (3) Hardee's
21% (9) Wendy's
29% (12) Pizza Hut
19% (8) Taco Bell
51% (21) Wal-Mart
36% (15) K-Mart
21% (9) Hallmark
9% (4) Wise Markets
14% (6) Denny's
19% (8) A Country Club
24% (10) Red Lobster

41 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-07-23 00:10:06 by willow
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