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Ladies fashion survey

Help a reputable fashion design consultant keep in touch with the modern lady's fashion choice by answering this poll!
What is your age range?
under 16
61 or over
How would you describe your style?
Individual style
Slave to fashion
Style? What's that?
If you wear make-up, how often do you use it?
Never leave home without it on
Only for work or going out
Only a special occassion
Never wear make up
Do you think women are better dressed today than from 15 years ago?
Women are more femminine today
Women are less concerned about their appearance today
Women do not care as much about their clothes today
Women are too masculine today
If you could live in a particular decade, when would you live?
before 1700
On average, how many times each day do you change your clothes:
Wear same clothes all day until I get home.
At least once a day I change
At least twice a day
More than twice a day
How often do you wear a skirt?
Every few days I might wear one
Only for a special occassion
Never wear skirts
How often do you wear trousers (pants, slacks etc)
Every few days I wear them for a change
Only if I need to for trips or active occassions
Never wear trousers
How high are your highest heels
2 inches
3 inches
4 inches
more than 4 inches!
I don't own any heel shoes
How high are your highest heels
2 inches
3 inches
4 inches
more than 4 inches!
I don't own any heel shoes
How high are your highest heels
2 inches
3 inches
4 inches
more than 4 inches!
I don't own any heel shoes
How high are your highest heels
2 inches
3 inches
4 inches
more than 4 inches!
I don't own any heel shoes
How high are your highest heels
2 inches
3 inches
4 inches
more than 4 inches!
I don't own any heel shoes
How often do you wear hosiery (tights, pantyhose, stockings)
Everyday if I can
Every few days
Only for a special occassion
I never wear hosiery
What is your preffered hair removal method?
Epilating device (silk epil etc)
Combination of the above
I don't remove my hair
What is your opinion of thongs and g-strings?
They are disgusting
They are ok, but I doubt I would wear one.
I wear them for special occassions
Only wear it to please my partner
Prefer them to full underwear
Only wear them, I don't own other kinds of panties
What is your preferred choice of the following?
Stockings with garter belt
Stay up stockings
Knee highs
Regular socks
Do you visit a beauty/hair salon?
For a special occassion
Perhaps once a month
Once every two weeks
Every week at least
This poll was created on 2002-04-08 06:43:21 by phosemanuk