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Ladies fashion survey

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Help a reputable fashion design consultant keep in touch with the modern lady's fashion choice by answering this poll!

What is your age range?

27% (146) under 16
43% (236) 16-21
16% (87) 22-30
5% (29) 31-40
4% (24) 41-50
1% (9) 51-60
1% (6) 61 or over

537 voters have answered this question.

How would you describe your style?

7% (41) Preppy
38% (204) Fashionable
36% (194) Individual style
3% (21) Slave to fashion
12% (69) Classic
1% (7) Style? What's that?

536 voters have answered this question.

If you wear make-up, how often do you use it?

43% (231) Never leave home without it on
29% (156) Only for work or going out
18% (97) Only a special occassion
9% (48) Never wear make up

532 voters have answered this question.

Do you think women are better dressed today than from 15 years ago?

53% (282) Women are more femminine today
22% (117) Women are less concerned about their appearance today
13% (73) Women do not care as much about their clothes today
10% (53) Women are too masculine today

525 voters have answered this question.

If you could live in a particular decade, when would you live?

13% (69) 1920's
2% (13) 1930's
5% (27) 1940's
16% (87) 1950's
21% (111) 1960's
33% (177) 1970's
4% (24) 1800's
0% (5) 1700's
2% (15) before 1700

528 voters have answered this question.

On average, how many times each day do you change your clothes:

41% (223) Wear same clothes all day until I get home.
34% (182) At least once a day I change
17% (93) At least twice a day
6% (34) More than twice a day

532 voters have answered this question.

How often do you wear a skirt?

15% (81) Everyday
46% (244) Every few days I might wear one
27% (147) Only for a special occassion
10% (55) Never wear skirts

527 voters have answered this question.

How often do you wear trousers (pants, slacks etc)

41% (219) Everyday
33% (178) Every few days I wear them for a change
15% (80) Only if I need to for trips or active occassions
9% (51) Never wear trousers

528 voters have answered this question.

How high are your highest heels

14% (76) 2 inches
24% (128) 3 inches
26% (140) 4 inches
24% (128) more than 4 inches!
10% (56) I don't own any heel shoes

528 voters have answered this question.

How high are your highest heels

13% (66) 2 inches
22% (110) 3 inches
29% (148) 4 inches
24% (121) more than 4 inches!
10% (53) I don't own any heel shoes

498 voters have answered this question.

How high are your highest heels

12% (58) 2 inches
22% (104) 3 inches
28% (132) 4 inches
24% (115) more than 4 inches!
11% (53) I don't own any heel shoes

462 voters have answered this question.

How high are your highest heels

13% (60) 2 inches
21% (99) 3 inches
28% (131) 4 inches
23% (107) more than 4 inches!
12% (56) I don't own any heel shoes

453 voters have answered this question.

How high are your highest heels

13% (62) 2 inches
21% (96) 3 inches
30% (137) 4 inches
23% (109) more than 4 inches!
11% (52) I don't own any heel shoes

456 voters have answered this question.

How often do you wear hosiery (tights, pantyhose, stockings)

22% (120) Everyday if I can
25% (133) Every few days
33% (180) Only for a special occassion
18% (98) I never wear hosiery

531 voters have answered this question.

What is your preffered hair removal method?

54% (290) Shaving
18% (96) Waxing
1% (10) Electrolosis
2% (14) Epilating device (silk epil etc)
18% (99) Combination of the above
3% (19) I don't remove my hair

528 voters have answered this question.

What is your opinion of thongs and g-strings?

16% (88) They are disgusting
30% (161) They are ok, but I doubt I would wear one.
17% (91) I wear them for special occassions
7% (40) Only wear it to please my partner
16% (84) Prefer them to full underwear
11% (61) Only wear them, I don't own other kinds of panties

525 voters have answered this question.

What is your preferred choice of the following?

33% (178) Pantyhose/Tights
13% (73) Stockings with garter belt
6% (32) Stay up stockings
12% (66) Knee highs
21% (116) Regular socks
12% (64) None

529 voters have answered this question.

Do you visit a beauty/hair salon?

12% (65) Never
31% (166) For a special occassion
40% (212) Perhaps once a month
9% (49) Once every two weeks
6% (37) Every week at least

529 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-04-08 06:43:21 by phosemanuk
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