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Do You Roshambo?

A pole about Roshambo (Roshambeau).. the art of the game and the rules that are used
Do you Roshambo? The way they do it on South Park...
What is Roshambo?
How often do you Roshambo?
Weekly or more
Once a Month
Less than Once a Month
Do you Roshambo for money?
Do you set up teams when you roshambo?
How hard do you kick when you rishambo?
I go ALL OUT... I am trying to win and do NOT want to get kicked
I do it hard, but not hard as I can... I feel for the other person
I do it not too hard, but then I usually get it back hard and lose
We never do it to an extreme
How do you roshambo?
Stand opposite and exchange kicks
Stand Opposite and exchange punchs
Stand opposite and exchange knees
What is the worst injury you had due to Roshambo?
Just some pain for a little
A lot of pain for a day or two
Pain for about a week
Passed out, and had to go to the hospital
Had to go to the hospital, but didn't pass out
Became Sterile
Ruptured a testicle
What best describes the feeling when you are waiting to get a kick
It is not big deal I just stand there
I get real nervous because I know how bad it will hurt
I am afraid they will kick TOO hard
I don't mind, it gives me a rush to get kicked.. pain oesn't bother me
Which describes how you feel when you kick someone else?
It's pretty cool
I look in their eyes and see their fear
I don't like it but it is how the game is played
It's a major rush
How do you decide who goes first?
Flip a coin
The older one always does
The bigger one always does
The smaller one always does
The loser from last time always goes last
The new person in our group goes last
Other way (explain in talk about poll)
Do you ever have mismtached roshambo contests... a BIG strong person against a much lighter and smaller guy?
No, we try and match it up
We don't care
Which places do you roshambo?
In School in the locker room
In School outside
In Gym
At parties
When hangin with friends
Are you sober when you roshambo?
I'm Sober
I'm a little drunk
I'm VERY drunk
Doesn't matter
If you see a roshambo match and someone passes out from a too hard kick, which do you do....
Get worried and get help right away
Look under their eyes to see if they are rolled back
Check their pulse
Check their nuts for damage
Have you or have you ever seen someone go airborne from a roshambo kick?
Yea.. about an inch iff the ground
2 inches
4 inches
half a foot
a foot
two feet
What effect has roshambo had on your sex life?
Can't have sex for a few days after
Takes about a week to recover after a few matches
It made me sterile, and I'm mad about that
It made me sterile but that is just a risk of the game
If you Roshambo in school, do the teachers and faculty know and how do they feel?
They don't know
They just put up with it
They try and warn about the dangers
They let it go and laugh about it
Which do you like best about Roshambo?
It teaches me to take pain like a man
It let's me prepare for pain one of my fears and face it
I like to do the kicking, it gives me a sense of power
This poll was created on 2002-05-02 06:58:52 by Prtydude