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Cheating on Tests!!

Looking for the old results?
okay... come on... I know you've all done it at least once! Or tried at least! Now come on and fess up so I can pass my Statistics final!

Have you ever cheated on a test or quiz before?

95% (22) yes
4% (1) no

23 voters have answered this question.

In what subjects have you cheated? (check all that apply)

59% (13) English
63% (14) History
36% (8) Foreign Language
81% (18) Math
54% (12) Science
36% (8) Health/ Physical Education

22 voters have answered this question.

What gender are you?

65% (15) Male
34% (8) Female

23 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

8% (2) 10-12
34% (8) 13-15
13% (3) 16-18
4% (1) 19-21
4% (1) 22-24
34% (8) 25-Older

23 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-04-19 15:00:35 by JazzAngl9
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