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Do you go to a UK school? Now corporal punishment is abolished what punishments do teachers give out. What's the worst punishment you've had?

What is the most common punishment at your school

17% (38) Lines
3% (8) Essays
54% (116) Detentions
23% (50) Other

212 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female

55% (115) Male
44% (93) Female

208 voters have answered this question.

What year are you in

10% (22) 7
17% (36) 8
16% (34) 9
13% (29) 10
14% (31) 11
27% (59) Sixth form

211 voters have answered this question.

How do sixth formers get punished

20% (41) Lines
12% (24) Essays
43% (86) Detention
24% (49) They don't get punished

200 voters have answered this question.

If you get lines how many is usual

23% (40) 100
16% (27) 200
9% (16) 300
13% (23) 500
36% (61) 1000

167 voters have answered this question.

What number of words are punishment essays

33% (54) 1000
19% (31) 2000
16% (26) 3000
30% (49) More

160 voters have answered this question.

If you are a sixth former and received lines or an essay how longer did it take you. Feel free to explain why you were punished in the message area.

29% (42) 2 hours
25% (36) 4 hours
15% (22) A day
30% (44) All weekend

144 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-10-15 09:32:40 by Markman1
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