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GUYS: How Do You Let A Girl Know You Fancy Her???

I know a lot of gals (including myself) have been pondering this question for years...
Under 17
40 and over
Native American
You will only open doors and lift heavy items for a girl...
...that you really like
...well, any girl. It's the decent thing to do
...who looks like a weakling
...are you serious? Opening doors and lifting heavy items for a girl is SO 1999
If she's suddenly cold towards me, I assume...
...that she doesn't like me in the least, so I move on
...that she doesn't like me in the least, so I try to figure out why
...that she doesn't like me in the least, but I keep pursuing her
...that she likes me, so I pursue her
...that she's having a bad day
...nothing much, but I tend to become cold towards her
Text messaging "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Easter" and "How are your holidays?" means...
...I like her alot and I'm thinking about her
...I enjoy technology and mail merge
...it's nothing more than a friendly greeting
Sticking up for a girl means...
...I like her!
...I'm just being nice
Telling a girl you'll miss her means...
...I like her!
...I'm just being friendly
Going out of your way to help a girl out when you don't have to means...
...I like her!
...I'm just being friendly
Asking a girl (discreetly) whether or not she thinks that you're a nice person means...
...I'm eager to know HER opinion of me
...I'm looking for tips
...I'm insecure about how women view me
...I never really thought about it
How long would it take you to ask the girl you fancy out?
Forever. You are too scared she'd say "no".
About a year.
A few months.
On the spot.
Have you ever NOT asked a girl out because she was sending you mixed signals?
What were the main mixed signals that stopped you from asking her out?
She flirted with other guys in front of you.
She was sometimes friendly and sometimes cold.
She seemed 'out of your league'.
She often didn't smile or greet you.
She sometimes touched you, other times moved out of your way.
Are you super nice to a girl you fancy's parents/friends?
You remember little details from conversations that you have with the girl you like?
Sometimes you become nervous and tongue tied around the girl you like?
What could a girl do that would make you realise she was interested in you?
Ask you out
Compliment you
Seem super happy whenever she sees you
Touch you gently on the arm
Do the eye contact thing - look, then look away
Ask for your advice
Other (please specify by leaving a message!)
This poll was created on 2002-04-27 13:28:03 by anya_ritcher