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GUYS: How Do You Let A Girl Know You Fancy Her???

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I know a lot of gals (including myself) have been pondering this question for years...


61% (786) Under 17
27% (345) 18-22
6% (82) 23-29
2% (38) 30-39
1% (20) 40 and over

1271 voters have answered this question.


78% (991) White
4% (53) Black
9% (118) Asian
0% (2) Native American
2% (32) Hispanic
3% (43) Bi-Racial
2% (29) Other

1268 voters have answered this question.

You will only open doors and lift heavy items for a girl...

29% (380) ...that you really like
77% (981) ...well, any girl. It's the decent thing to do
2% (35) ...who looks like a weakling
1% (19) ...are you serious? Opening doors and lifting heavy items for a girl is SO 1999

1272 voters have answered this question.

If she's suddenly cold towards me, I assume...

13% (166) ...that she doesn't like me in the least, so I move on
38% (488) ...that she doesn't like me in the least, so I try to figure out why
10% (128) ...that she doesn't like me in the least, but I keep pursuing her
2% (32) ...that she likes me, so I pursue her
26% (335) ...that she's having a bad day
9% (118) ...nothing much, but I tend to become cold towards her

1267 voters have answered this question.

Text messaging "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Easter" and "How are your holidays?" means...

59% (752) ...I like her alot and I'm thinking about her
2% (28) ...I enjoy technology and mail merge
38% (486) ...it's nothing more than a friendly greeting

1266 voters have answered this question.

Sticking up for a girl means...

54% (686) ...I like her!
42% (534) ...I'm just being nice
3% (44) ...nothing

1264 voters have answered this question.

Telling a girl you'll miss her means...

87% (1100) ...I like her!
11% (146) ...I'm just being friendly
1% (16) ...nothing

1262 voters have answered this question.

Going out of your way to help a girl out when you don't have to means...

72% (920) ...I like her!
26% (335) ...I'm just being friendly
0% (11) ...nothing

1266 voters have answered this question.

Asking a girl (discreetly) whether or not she thinks that you're a nice person means...

64% (812) ...I'm eager to know HER opinion of me
7% (90) ...I'm looking for tips
16% (211) ...I'm insecure about how women view me
12% (153) ...I never really thought about it

1266 voters have answered this question.

How long would it take you to ask the girl you fancy out?

51% (658) Forever. You are too scared she'd say "no".
4% (59) About a year.
14% (185) A few months.
19% (253) Weeks.
7% (99) Days.
1% (16) On the spot.

1270 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever NOT asked a girl out because she was sending you mixed signals?

77% (983) Yes
22% (284) No

1267 voters have answered this question.

What were the main mixed signals that stopped you from asking her out?

34% (422) She flirted with other guys in front of you.
42% (513) She was sometimes friendly and sometimes cold.
44% (541) She seemed 'out of your league'.
19% (241) She often didn't smile or greet you.
20% (253) She sometimes touched you, other times moved out of your way.

1207 voters have answered this question.

Are you super nice to a girl you fancy's parents/friends?

78% (977) Yes
21% (275) No

1252 voters have answered this question.

You remember little details from conversations that you have with the girl you like?

91% (1147) Yes
8% (112) No

1259 voters have answered this question.

Sometimes you become nervous and tongue tied around the girl you like?

42% (542) Yes
13% (166) No
44% (557) Sometimes

1265 voters have answered this question.

What could a girl do that would make you realise she was interested in you?

52% (666) Ask you out
32% (417) Compliment you
51% (658) Seem super happy whenever she sees you
44% (563) Touch you gently on the arm
48% (614) Do the eye contact thing - look, then look away
15% (198) Ask for your advice
2% (31) Other (please specify by leaving a message!)

1278 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-04-27 13:28:03 by anya_ritcher
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