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Abrotions:For Or Against?

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You are a...

50% (13) male
50% (13) female

26 voters have answered this question.

I am...

0% (0) Younger than 10
22% (6) 10-15
44% (12) 16-20
18% (5) 21-25
3% (1) 26-30
0% (0) 31-35
3% (1) 36-40
7% (2) Older than 40

27 voters have answered this question.

You are...

18% (5) For abortions
59% (16) Against Abortions
22% (6) Only for if they were raped

27 voters have answered this question.

You are..

32% (8) A parent
64% (16) A child
4% (1) would be a parent if i didn't get an abortion

25 voters have answered this question.

For The People who are for them,like just because you didn't want the baby:Why do you feel that way?

25% (2) We just don't want to be parents
25% (2) We couldn't handle it at this time
12% (1) It's our choice
37% (3) Other

8 voters have answered this question.

For people who are prochoice:What do you feel that way?

23% (3) The parents should be able to choose
61% (8) If someone was raped,she shouldn't have to become a mother before she's ready because of another's v
30% (4) But on the other hand,you made it,you take care of it.
23% (3) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

For those who are against completely:why do you feel that way?

61% (13) You made it,you take care of it
33% (7) They're's always adoption
57% (12) You should love your baby
33% (7) Other

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-07-16 10:41:41 by GonnaBeAMommy
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