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User: GonnaBeAMommy


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Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-07-21 12:53:47

I had a baby boy on Tuesday!..now I have to change GonnaBeAMommy tho..

Posted in Nudity Family/Public etc. on 2002-07-16 10:05:56

Yea..My Pet Peeve is sorda the same..mine's the fact that even though I wouldn't want to..fat men with bigger boobs than me can go topless and I have to wear a top..lol


-×-×-×-×-× In Reply To ×-×-×-×-×- I hate it that it's legal for guys to go around topless, but totally illegal for females. personally i prefer to wear a bra, but if i don't the pain pays me back tenfold. it's just that it would be nice to be able to strip down on hot summer days, strip as much as you need to.

grrr. personally i see it as a way of men controlling woman.

we wouldn't have such perves in this country if nudity was considered natural instead of some sort of curse.

one day my best friend started stripping to change for a date he was going on. ...totally shocked me. didn't ask if i cared or nothing!!! ...secretly i was turned on, but it was more out of honor that he trusted me so much. ...or that was my belief. shrugs

I'm greatful that my S.O. has no problem w/ me stripping in the summer. we get home from whereever and have a strip fest. ...now if only we had a huge pool in our back yard and the neighbors didn't care that we were naked!

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-07-16 06:28:26

You're 16,you should be more responsible by now!You should know the rules of your house and if drinking(you HAD to have)and coming in waay late are against them..you deserve to be punished...beating..I doubt she said that...I'm sure she said spanking and you just came on here to explain and get sympathy...


-×-×-×-×-×- In Reply To -×-×-×-×-×- Hello everybody! I'm writing tonight because I think my parents were and are SO unfair!! Lastnight I came home from being out with my friends..and I was like 2 hours late..I was supposed to be in at 11 and i came home at 1..no big deal...I'm 16 yrs old for god's sake! Anyway my dad came into my room and asked me where I was and so I told him..He wasen't very happy to say the least, and he said he smelled alcohol on my breath, which had to be impossible because I didn't have a drink in like an hour before I came home, anyway, he told me he was going to talk this whole thing over with mom, and they would decide my punishment together, well I got up this morning, and My mother said I was going to get a beating for lastnight, by the both of them, and they did it!!! they actually did it! I couldn't belive it! My dad came into the kitchen around 10 am and also told me the same thing. They told me to go to my room and wait for them to come upstairs, when they came up I never thought they would go throught with it, but then they ORDERED me to drop my boxers and panties and lay across they bed, and my dad beat me with the belt about 10 times, thenm my mom put me over her lap and hit me 10 times! I was wailing like a baby and they also said I can't get my driver's license until i'm 18!!! what do yo uguys think? I think this is absolutely ridiculas! My A** is still hurting since this morning, my dad said if i ever do it again i will get more of the same thing...they haven't hit me in like 2 yrs maybe three..and they're going to start now???

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-07-16 06:17:54

Sorry to bring up this post from a long time ago,but I think yu need a psychiatrist...that is so sick and wrong...you can't help it..if you have to go,you have to go..i hope you're putting us on about this,why would you want to do that to your own flesh and blood?I hope she calls the police on you!

Boy,you need a parenting class!


-×-×-×-×-×- In Reply To -×-×-×-×-×- Hello out there! I have got a 13 year old daughter and in the last days she was really very bad, so i had to spank her a lot. Also my wife says it is right to punish her.. Anyway. During the last years a bare bottom spanking was enough to show here the borders, but since one year my wife and I need some tools, because the "normal" spanking doesn´t help anymore. Now we have got to spank her with a belt or a cane... but yesterday also this wasn´t enough, while i was spanking my daughter she started peeing on my lap, my wife and i got really mad about it and we "invented" a new method of punishment. We spanked her BETWEEN her legs, after she peed on me my wife spread her legs a bit and i started spanking her vagina with a wooden spoon, not too hard but as i allready said i was mad at that moment and i told my wife to spread the asscheeks of my daughter and i started beating the anus of my daugther with wooden spoon 15 or 20 times hard, she started crying really loud at that time, but i think it helped, because now she behaves much better. Now my question did anyone of you do this or recieve such spanking and if yes did help to behave better? Thank you for your answers!
