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User: I seem to be confused


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Posted in UK Teenage Boys: Sex, Fashion and Leisure on 2006-12-16 00:00:56

I'm 15 and teenagers are not what adults try to make us out to be all the time. I wear my pants saggy and all that because I like it, but I've never done drugs. I did get drunk but that was on accident, & I'm still a virgin. I'm not some nerd or anything though I just don't want to do it. I to be honest I don't think sex is such a bad thing. I would get killed if my parents found out, but as long as you're safe, why not? And does it always have to be the "bad boys"? I think girls are just as bad as boys but people don't pay attention to that as much.

Posted in Brittney Spears.vs.Christina Agulara on 2006-11-25 04:43:05

Britney spears is really hot and they both are good singers. I don't wanna say christina is a better singer than britney 'cause I honestly think they both really good singers. But britney is hotter no matter what! But christina's pretty too...just not as pretty as britney spears

Posted in !!!! White Rappers !!!! on 2006-11-17 22:18:45

This is a dumb one. And sean paull ain't even white.

Posted in the biggest favorite artist poll you've ever seen on 2006-10-23 23:31:08

add b-spears (britney spears)

Posted in ~Jessica Simpson VS Britney Spears~ on 2006-10-02 20:00:46

Jessica does have real boobs, but you're dumb because britney's are real too. Britney has a beautiful $%!@ as well dang she proved all those racist losers saying white girls got no booty with that big old thang. Britney is much more cooler and I enjoy her music more then jess, but j-simpson cool too I guess. P.S. hate to tell you this but britney is about a 1000 times hotter then jess and has better curves even if she gains some weight shes hotter.