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User: I seem to be confused


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Posted in Aaliyah or Ashanti? on 2006-06-20 19:15:46

Ok for most of the people dissin ashanti f you!. I love Aaliyahs music but y'all being mean 2 ashanti for no reason (just like people are mean to britney spears 4 no reason) people like beyonce,ashanti & britney are great artist and honestly ashanti and beyonce are better singers then alliyah. don't get all mad at me because i am a HUGE aaliyah fan i just think y'all dumb fake people. you only don't like ashanti because you want as many people as you can get to pick aaliyah. you know you be listen to ashantis music so shut up i personaly picked ashanti over aaliyah wanna know why?...because shes dead! shes gone and never comin back ok!. ashanti is just as great as aaliyah i honestly like aaliyahs songs more but ashanti is a better singer as well as beyonce . end of story my name is Theblackwhitechild aka $paceca$e go to www.myspace.com/Theblackwhitechild and check out my bio!. bye everyone much love!.

Posted in Aaliyah or Ashanti? on 2006-06-20 19:08:03

I like aaliyah too but i also love ashanti and annie ur ugly fake $%!@ sucks.lol

Posted in Jessica Simpson ANNOYING or LOVABLE on 2006-06-20 01:40:48

ok first thing who cares?. second thing, britney is better then jessica get over it i don't care how many people like jessica's singing more(which i don't i think she is better then b they are both good) I don't care if jessica steals a role from britney (which by the way i'm not sure if it's true but i heard it was only because brit got pregnant and yes britney did get prego when they were making that film i would have chosen jessica over britney too if that happened sigh), anyways we all know we would rather have britney be here rather then jessica why? because eventually you get tired of all her boring lovey dovey pop slop never dissin a cop songs, sometimes you want a little more then someone talking about kissing a boy/man, and thats all jess talks about (other then her proactive skin). third thing don't get all mad at me for saying that about j-simpson because i think shes pretty good too but i just think britney is better!. fourth thing britney is real everyone just happens to ask her the most dumbest questions on the face of the planet and when she says i don't wanna answer that people keep bugging her damn i would lie too if that kept happening shoot. 5th and final thang who cares about their personality they aren't here to talk about how real they are or how dumb they are or how lovable they are they just here to entertain us so if b or s is not perfect get over it lol silly poeple.

Posted in Am I In Love? on 2006-06-20 01:02:49

hey whats up. don't listen 2 anyone saying your not in love because you're 14!. i'm 15 so i think what some person said was dumb. but honestly you cannot be all lovey dovey & you cannot worship her that is just a little toooo chris brown ok. you have to be cool act shy (unless you're naturaly shy then you don't have to act) be polite but be sarcastic a little rude but still nice & make sure you have clean teeth it doesn't matter if you have braces or no braces girls just love clean mouths trust me i even had a 16 year old girl like me when i was 10! and that ain't no lie i swear!. basicly if you want any girl don't listen to any of them listen to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think britney has a nice voice, & she don't sleep wit every man she meets, & she smoked and things but i dought she did drugs and if she did WHO THE HELL GIVES A DAMN!!!!!!!!! shes not here to be the perfect woman just 2 give y'all dumbasses music lol haha.