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User: Suestrong


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Posted in Male brides: is this our future? on 2022-10-12 08:15:11

Thanks Tracey, that is really helpful. I love what she is doing. She sounds very similar to me or where I want to be in my life. I have also cut my hair very short like males hair, while my husband is having a long blond soft hair, I take him to the salon every week where they take care of his beautiful hair and keep it fresh. Similar to your situations in my house all makeup products including lipstick, eyeliner lotions and many other products I do not know about are for my husband. He takes care of himself and loves to stay as beautiful and cute as possible. While I have not used any makeup products in years. Luckily for me and for my husband he is feminine by nature so he has very little body hair and I mean very little like every few month he will have few hairs on his arms and legs but he shaved it immediately he hates to have any masculine feature. I love that because I love his thin soft small body. He does not have any kind of facial hair on his face, sometimes women will stop him in the streets asking how he got rid of all the facial hair, but no one believes that he can’t grow any even if he wants. As you can imagine I am the complete opposite I am very hairy person back in the days when I was ashamed of my masculine feature I had to shave at least twice a weak. I am very pleased that I stopped shaving now, including my facial hair. My husband thinks I am sexy. What do you think of hairy women? About our clothes I do not own any skirts or dresses only pants and shorts and usually male shirts. Since I got very muscular recently my pec muscles overgrown my breasts so I do not wear bras anymore there is no need for. Because my work is a little bit physical so I wear shorts most of the times not pants. Thanks to your story I bought skirts for my husband. I must say he looked amazing in his new pink skirts and white transparent blouse. When our friend saw him everyone complainant him on his beautiful looking. Even some women were bit jealous of him. He is more beautiful and more feminine and softer than most women. I gave apron as well so he can use it in the kitchen. I want to give him a girly name but not sure what should I call him? Also, not sure if I have to get a manly name. I think it makes sense what do you think? My husband is becoming more feminine and weaker every time I got more muscular or more manly. He is so weak now and always ask for my protection and help. One of our friends said that we should go outdoor and act like I am a man and he is a woman and he said no one will ever notice. He wants him to use the ladies toilet and I use the male one and he said no one will notice. What do you think? So, why she goes topless in particular reason? Do you like it? Do men stares at her? Do not you feel jealous? When she is topless in the house many other males see her like this? I want to go topless or naked but not sure if it is appropriate? My husband wants me to do it all the time, but not sure why? Do you know? Thanks for sharing the links great ideas for my husband.

Posted in Male brides: is this our future? on 2022-10-10 08:54:38

Tracey, I think this is the right thing to do. I am writing here because some messages are not shown in the previous one. The way you talked about your alpha female was not nice. Anyway it is good you corrected it now. So, you are on dresses now all the time? Even out side your home? Yes, I am interested in some more details especially about your alpha female like how she looks? What does she wear on a daily basis? Is she muscular and stronger than you? You described her as manly can you give more details about this? Final question how modest is she I mean does she cover her body or show it? Does she go topless in front other people? Last thing you can address me manly maam

Posted in Male brides: is this our future? on 2022-10-09 18:01:46

Tracey, I think this is the right thing to do. I am writing here because some messages are not shown in the previous one. The way you talked about your alpha female was not nice. Anyway it is good you corrected it now. So, you are on dresses now all the time? Even out side your home? Yes, I am interested in some more details especially about your alpha female like how she looks? What does she wear on a daily basis? Is she muscular and stronger than you? You described her as manly can you give more details about this? Final question how modest is she I mean does she cover her body or show it? Does she go topless in front other people? Last thing you can address me manly ma’am.

Posted in Male brides: is this our future? on 2022-10-05 08:31:48

Ohh I did not want to cause any problem. I only wanted someone to know his idea about this kind of relationships. I wish your wife can chat with me here. Anyway good luck and I think you will look nice in this outfit.

Posted in Male brides: is this our future? on 2022-10-04 09:09:05

Thanks, you sound very similar to the man I got married to. Similar to your situation I am physically a woman but socially I am the MAN and he is my WIFE. Yes, I am the breadwinner and he is a house husband. He only have small amount of money for emergencies because he does not leave the house without me. As I said before he puts makeup and wears female tops, me on the other hand I do not wear any makeup and I always wear either a trouser or shorts. I stopped wearing dresses or skirt. Even in my wedding I was wearing a black short and a shirt while he was wearing a while silk top and a silk transparent trouser. I have noticed that he is loosing his male instincts as well. It is so rare for him to get hard anymore. He is very feminine anyway really thin and short with extremely narrow shoulders. His voice is so light, and he has no body or facial hair. He is very shy and submissive and always ask for my help. Me the exact opposite of all these characters. Unfortunately we do not have family members where we live but his friends know how we live and who is the real HUSBAND in this marriage. I am new to this world and this is why I want to know other people thoughts. I am a muscular woman I want to be more muscular but in this case I may end up looking like a male bodybuilder. I love the idea but do you think I should go for it? The other question is what are your thoughts about women who do not shave their body and facial hair? Sometimes I keep my hair grow and tease my husband and his friend that I am more of a man than they are. It makes them feel more like a female and less of a man. Do you think I should continue doing this? The third question is about wives modesty because I have a muscular body I was encouraged by many people (males and females) that I have to show it more especially to be topless inside my home regardless of who is in the house with us or going topless to the beach? Final, question is your wife and her lesbian partner is manly in anyway or they are feminine?