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User: Mark96


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Posted in Losing a shoe in public (guys only) on 2011-09-05 18:34:14

I ran up the stairs, and when I got almost to the top (second floor, third for you), suddenly stumbled and fell down. Unfortunately, I lost at the same time one of my shoes. Before I could get up and pick up my shoe, one of my colleagues kicked it and my shoe dropped to the bottom. I had to go downstairs again. But it took me some time, although I was in a hurry. When I reached the main lobby, my shoe was nowhere to be seen. Other kids laughed at me when they saw me with a shoeless foot. It was after the bell on the lesson, so I did not have a time for lengthy searches, because we had to write the test. I had to go back to class in one shoe. I went to my class as a last student, and of course there was no chance that my colleagues did not notice that I lost a shoe. When I took my place, my neighbor, Anne, asked me if I do not remember that Cinderella was a girl. Others began to laugh and pointed out our teacher. She approached me and asked what happened and I had to explain why I only have one shoe. She said that when I finish writing the test, I can get out of class and look for my lost shoe. I did so. In the main hall were several students who thought that the boy in one shoe is very funny. "He's a Cinderella-boy and waiting for the princess, which will bring to him his lost shoe," said one of the girls. I did not answer. I was looking for my lost shoe in all corners of the lobby, but I could not find it. Finally I gave up and went back to class. The rest of my day in school I spent wearing only one shoe.

Posted in boys losing or stealing shoes on 2011-01-01 11:16:57

An similar accident was happened to me, but during the school cross-country race. When I ran, lace in my right shoe suddenly broke. Probably nothing would have happened - but the 500 meters before the finish line the route has changed in a big puddle of mud. Ankle-deep. My shoe just stuck there. So I ran the rest of the distance in one shoe and one muddy sock. Worst of all, that the teacher would not let me go find my lost shoe and had to go back to school wearing only one.

Posted in sockfooting on 2010-12-23 16:56:17

It happened to me several times, that I came back home with only one shoe on. I'm wearing sneakers usually, and I used to tie one of my shoes loose, so it could unlace when I were walking or running. Sometimes it happens, that shoe fell off my foot, mostly in crowded places. Sometimes I also slip one shoe off, in theatre for example. Once my shoe was never found.

Please, feel free to email me if you want to hear more or share stories: marekjanisz@yahoo.com

Posted in boys losing or stealing shoes on 2010-12-19 18:34:38

Now is a winter here, and we must changing our shoes at school. I wear inside black fabric slip-on shoes. Last Friday I wanted to go to the library after the last lesson. When I ran upstairs, I suddenly slipped and fell. When I got up, I realized that I lost one shoe. In addition, it fell down the stairs to the lobby. I had to go down, but then my shoe was gone - I could just see it as some boy kicked it with full his strengh. So I had to run in that direction, wearing one black shoe and only a gray sock on my left foot. Of course, others laughed and teased me. When the lesson bell rang, I was still wearing one shoe. I thought that when all the students go to their classes, I can find my shoe. But before that, one of the teachers noticed and asked me why I wear only one shoe. So I had to tell her what had happened. Finally, I was left alone in the lobby. But still nothing. In the end, I went to the library in one shoe and one sock. Librarian also laughed at me a little, a lot more other students, who were in the library. I chose the books quickly and went out. I found my shoe in the locker room when it was opened on the next break.

Posted in Stolen (or stealing) shoes on 2010-10-11 19:01:29

In my school it is also very popular. It happened to me several times, because I like to pretend, that I lost my shoe.