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User: Mark96


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Posted in boys who lose shoes or clothes on 2010-09-26 11:24:45

Yesterday I went to the cinema to see "Shrek Forever." How I used to, I slipped one shoe off my foot, almost immediately after the start of the movie. I crossed my legs, so my foot in a sock does not touch the floor. At the end of the movie I wanted to put my shoe back, but I could not find it. I had to stay at my place and wait until everyone left the room. Although I tried to hide my socked foot behind the other leg, it did not work and several people noticed that I have only one shoe and laughing at me. I was looking for my lost shoe in every row of seats. Once I thought that I will have to go back to the house in one shoe and only sock on my right foot, sudenly I found my shoe near the exit.

Posted in Shoes lost or stolen on 2010-04-18 13:31:54

once, when I was walked through crowded school's locker room, someone stepped on my heel and pulled my shoe off my foot. I can't turned back to pick up my shoe and I must went with the crowd to the exit. Then I stood there, wearing one sneaker and only a green sock on my right foot. When I go back to the locker room, in order to look for my shoe, I could not find it. I looked in the locker room and the lobby, but to no avail - my shoe was gone. Finally, I came home in one shoe.


Posted in stealing or stolen shoes - for boys only on 2010-04-06 15:55:49

One time, when I was in public library, I sat at a table and started to read one of the selected books. I crossed my legs and almost immediately my shoe slipped off my foot and fell to the floor. I heard that someone went into the reading room, but did not pay attention, who. When I finished reading the book and wanted to refer it to the ledge, I looked for my shoe by my foot. I could not find it, so I looked under the table. My shoe was not there, and nowhere could I see it. Pretending that nothing happened, I went to the address book in one shoe. I heard a muffled giggle, so I looked back. I saw a pretty, redheaded girl, about my age, who looked at me and tried to stop laughing. When I returned to the table, she said that I lost something. I was embarrassed and just sat down. I pretended that I read another book and looked at the girl. Finally I had to go home. I got up and walked to the main hall. I asked the librarian if someone gave her a single shoe on the right foot. She looked at me with surprise, so I explained that someone stole my one shoe. She looked at my feet and said that unfortunately, no one gave her any shoe. I wanted to get out of the library, when he added that someone calling me. That was the red-haired girl. I returned to the reading room. Then she said that she took my shoe and hide it on the shelf with books. So i can retrieve my shoe.