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User: Nikrud


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Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-12-19 06:29:54

I don't like to give my e- mail address out. I just enjoy conferring through these pages.

Posted in My penis( guy opions) on 2010-12-18 23:21:47

Tani. My measurements are just about the same as yours. I shower naked with other boys with no embarrassment and have a smashing friend whose company i really do enjoy. I am sixteen and think to myself you are only born with what you have so what the hell.

Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-12-18 23:00:11

Bobby in CA. Getting naked is always terrific, but getting naked with one or maybe two others might just be the icing on the cake so to speak. We are both still working on it. Have you had any fun lately?

Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-12-17 20:37:27

Scott2. Is it your intention to get naked during the sleep-over this weekend? If so i hope you have many intimate moments and really enjoy yourselves. Best wishes Nikrud.

Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-12-17 04:31:59

Bobby in CA. I go to school in England and after classes some boys go to the gym to work out whils't others go to football or cricket practise. My pal and i generally tend to lag behind in the showers until the others have dressed and gone. The showers are usually cleaned after all the classrooms etc. We have worked out how much time we have and have been lucky so far. The countryside presents no problems whils't the beach has plenty of sand dunes. We simply adore each others company.