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User: Nikrud


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Posted in Experimenting with guy friends (straight guys only) on 2010-11-27 05:25:36

Razzle Dazzle. Yourself and Alan must have a great affection for each other. It seems such a great shame that the pair of you have drifted apart. With great fortune you may get back together and continue a wonderful and intimate relationship. Best wishes Nikrud.

Posted in My penis( guy opions) on 2010-11-20 20:07:33

Tani. Your measurements are about the same as mine. We only get what we are born with. I am not unduly unhappy with my size.

Posted in Speedos and Boys and the way they feel.. on 2010-11-20 19:34:21

If the whole wide world objected to me wearing my beautiful and comfortable speedos i would suggest that they all p iss right off. Stick by your own feelings.

Posted in washing foreskin on 2010-11-19 05:07:24

It certainly sounds like you and your pal had a great time. I only wish that i was there to make up a threesome.

Posted in Boys and Speedos on 2010-11-06 03:54:19

caleb-m Why get embarrassed about everyone seeing everything. I would love parading around in that state, especially in front of younger boys.