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User: Kinkykelly


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Yup, it's a pretty sleazy motel lol. Lot of hookers and stuff there too (besides her.) Good place to score drugs too, the local dealers know me so even if they don't want to $%!@ her they'll usually spot her some meth or coke cuz they know I'm good for it.

Oh, and you're totally right about the fisting thing. Back before she started $%!@ing and was just talking about it, I warned her about that. She told me she wasn't sure she wanted to do $%!@, so I told her that for girls like us that's not really an option. Sometimes guys just get so horny they can't help themselves and they are going to do whatever they want to do to us. I told her it's a little like rape, but not really because you can't really rape a free-use $%!@ like me. Same goes for the violence, a lot of guys like smacking a girl around a bit or choking her, and that's just gonna happen and you gotta accept it. Well, turns out she's 100 percent good at that! She like getting used like that, just like me. Which is great because he older sister really didn't like it at all.

Omg Samantha I'm so sorry, I didn't see your response, I would have responded sooner!

Honestly I haven't $%!@ed many guys younger than me, I tend to go for high schoolers or older, always did. There's two guys who shared me with their younger brothers though. They're in middle school, I think 12 or 13?

My sis is lucky, the school I go to is 6-12, so hopefully she'll be able to be getting $%!@ed in school soon. As for teachers, there's only one I've been able to $%!@, and he's way too cautious about it. There was a security guard who'd take me into the office for 'inspections' a lot, but he ended up getting caught with some other girl.

And yeah, at first my mom was very mad. It took a bit for her to come around to it, but she did. In the end she said it was silly of her to worry, she started $%!@ing at 11 and had me at 12 and she's fine. She was just scared I was getting abused or something. I mean, I can see it I really was, but I like it like that and once she understood that it was all good. So she had no problem when she found out her new daughter was a $%!@ too.

At first she was $%!@ing teens and young adults, basically she's $%!@ing the same guys I am. But she's actually gotten pretty good at finding her own guys now, mostly online. She's home all day watching porn and $%!@ing herself anyway, o it didn't take long before she was meeting guys online. At first she'd have them come over and $%!@ her during the day, but then one of the guys roughed her up and stole some stuff. The roughing up wasn't a big issue, she was fine with that, but my mom didn't want random strangers in the house after that. So my mom set her up with a room at a motel down the street where she can meet them.

It really was sudden! She had 0 experience before that party. I really meant to protect her too, make sure she didn't get in over her head and stuff. But, well I got drunk and horny and you know how these things go. Anyway, thank god she was ok she took it like a pro! She absolutely loved it.

Yeah, she says elementary school is too boring for her and I agree. I'm in high school and its soooo much better. The our high school and middle school are basically in the same building though, I used to sneak over to the highschool side all the time to $%!@. So maybe when she's older she'll start back up in 6th grade. School is definitely fun, I'm glad I'm staying in it, I almost dropped out last year.

So as far as developing goes, she really started by just talking to me about her sister a lot. I'd tell her stories of all the stuff we'd get up to, the fun we had and things. She started talking about how she wanted to try that stuff and things, and then I took her to a party and it was just nonstop after that! I mean, not quite. At first we'd just go out on the weekends and stuff. But then one day she stumbled home drunk and covered in $%!@ and that was it, she was living with us. Now she's just constantly either $%!@ing and sucking, or she's got a dildo or two in her holes.

I'm not sure if she's got a type yet, she'll just $%!@ anybody who comes over and is up for it.

Oh also an idea for Dylan! If you're up for introducing your daughter to more guys to $%!@, maybe ask her dealer. He probably knows some people who would want to $%!@ her and are discreet about it. When I was little my dealer pimped me out and it worked pretty well. Plus, if you want to you could pro ably make a little money off of her too! Everybody wins.