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User: a1957


Polls Created


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Does anyone else find that curious? Dec.21,2012 is less than two months after the Presidential Election which is Nov.4,2012. So something could happen, but is it the end of the world? Nobody realy knows except God.

Posted in Raising your preteen daughters without underwear on 2009-06-22 03:41:08

In respons to "This poll reeks of pedophilia -- And I Flagged it!" posted by personwhohatescirc

If this poll reeks of pedophilia, then why did Mr. Poll approve it for posting then? That in itself says it's not pedophilic. Any Family's values and lifstyle are thier own to choose, not yours or mine.

Posted in Short skirts and whats under them on 2006-03-08 10:00:32

you go girl!!I admire your mother for permitting you to go pantiless(especialy to school),and to you for wanting to.