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User: adam putzer



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Posted in Death Penalty on 2004-07-07 04:28:25

When most people object to the death penelty they give the following reason(or somthing simillar, "Well its hippocritical, because we say it is illegal to kill, and then we turn around and kill them". This would indeed be the textbook example of hippocritism, if you over look one thing. KILLING is not what the law prohibbits, the law prohibbits MURDER,there is a huge diffrence between the two, Murder is the unjustifiable action of takeing a life that has purpose on this earth. The death penalty on the other hand is nothing of the sort, the death penelty, is controlled killing of someone who has such a huge dept to pay to the society that he/she robbed, that no amount of jail time will satisy that dept, this is not the action of murder. And to look at this in another way, one could even argue, that the death penalty is not takeing a life, it has been handed a life, A person who knowingly commits hanous crimes, has looked civilized society in the face, and given it the finger, this person has forfitted their right to be part of this societie, therefore the death penelty is not an action of takeing a life, that life was given over on a silver platter. Also the death penelty is such a major prevenitive of crime. A criminal, is prowling your street at night, intent on breaking into a house, and getting his next means of drug pament,he is in your house now, hes sees you behind your couch, he is armed, Your done for, right?, this man will not think rationaly, he will kill me, but wait!, he is considering somthing, he is considering the punishments for his actions. Don't you think your more likely to survive, if thoese punishments include the takeing of his life!. Look at the stats, countries with deathj penalties have sugnificantly lower crime rates.

Thanks for considering my point of view, id love to consider yours, email me at wazzzzup613@hotmail.com

Posted in Death Penalty YES or NO? on 2004-07-07 04:27:40

When most people object to the death penelty they give the following reason(or somthing simillar, "Well its hippocritical, because we say it is illegal to kill, and then we turn around and kill them". This would indeed be the textbook example of hippocritism, if you over look one thing. KILLING is not what the law prohibbits, the law prohibbits MURDER,there is a huge diffrence between the two, Murder is the unjustifiable action of takeing a life that has purpose on this earth. The death penalty on the other hand is nothing of the sort, the death penelty, is controlled killing of someone who has such a huge dept to pay to the society that he/she robbed, that no amount of jail time will satisy that dept, this is not the action of murder. And to look at this in another way, one could even argue, that the death penalty is not takeing a life, it has been handed a life, A person who knowingly commits hanous crimes, has looked civilized society in the face, and given it the finger, this person has forfitted their right to be part of this societie, therefore the death penelty is not an action of takeing a life, that life was given over on a silver platter. Also the death penelty is such a major prevenitive of crime. A criminal, is prowling your street at night, intent on breaking into a house, and getting his next means of drug pament,he is in your house now, hes sees you behind your couch, he is armed, Your done for, right?, this man will not think rationaly, he will kill me, but wait!, he is considering somthing, he is considering the punishments for his actions. Don't you think your more likely to survive, if thoese punishments include the takeing of his life!. Look at the stats, countries with deathj penalties have sugnificantly lower crime rates.

Thanks for considering my point of view, id love to consider yours, email me at wazzzzup613@hotmail.com

Posted in Capital Punishment: Death penalty on 2004-07-07 04:26:42

When most people object to the death penelty they give the following reason(or somthing simillar, "Well its hippocritical, because we say it is illegal to kill, and then we turn around and kill them". This would indeed be the textbook example of hippocritism, if you over look one thing. KILLING is not what the law prohibbits, the law prohibbits MURDER,there is a huge diffrence between the two, Murder is the unjustifiable action of takeing a life that has purpose on this earth. The death penalty on the other hand is nothing of the sort, the death penelty, is controlled killing of someone who has such a huge dept to pay to the society that he/she robbed, that no amount of jail time will satisy that dept, this is not the action of murder. And to look at this in another way, one could even argue, that the death penalty is not takeing a life, it has been handed a life, A person who knowingly commits hanous crimes, has looked civilized society in the face, and given it the finger, this person has forfitted their right to be part of this societie, therefore the death penelty is not an action of takeing a life, that life was given over on a silver platter. Also the death penelty is such a major prevenitive of crime. A criminal, is prowling your street at night, intent on breaking into a house, and getting his next means of drug pament,he is in your house now, hes sees you behind your couch, he is armed, Your done for, right?, this man will not think rationaly, he will kill me, but wait!, he is considering somthing, he is considering the punishments for his actions. Don't you think your more likely to survive, if thoese punishments include the takeing of his life!. Look at the stats, countries with deathj penalties have sugnificantly lower crime rates.

Thanks for considering my point of view, id love to consider yours, email me at wazzzzup613@hotmail.com

Posted in Abolish Death Penalty? on 2004-07-07 04:23:54

When most people object to the death penelty they give the following reason(or somthing simillar, "Well its hippocritical, because we say it is illegal to kill, and then we turn around and kill them". This would indeed be the textbook example of hippocritism, if you over look one thing. KILLING is not what the law prohibbits, the law prohibbits MURDER,there is a huge diffrence between the two, Murder is the unjustifiable action of takeing a life that has purpose on this earth. The death penalty on the other hand is nothing of the sort, the death penelty, is controlled killing of someone who has such a huge dept to pay to the society that he/she robbed, that no amount of jail time will satisy that dept, this is not the action of murder. And to look at this in another way, one could even argue, that the death penalty is not takeing a life, it has been handed a life, A person who knowingly commits hanous crimes, has looked civilized society in the face, and given it the finger, this person has forfitted their right to be part of this societie, therefore the death penelty is not an action of takeing a life, that life was given over on a silver platter. Also the death penelty is such a major prevenitive of crime. A criminal, is prowling your street at night, intent on breaking into a house, and getting his next means of drug pament,he is in your house now, hes sees you behind your couch, he is armed, Your done for, right?, this man will not think rationaly, he will kill me, but wait!, he is considering somthing, he is considering the punishments for his actions. Don't you think your more likely to survive, if thoese punishments include the takeing of his life!. Look at the stats, countries with deathj penalties have sugnificantly lower crime rates.

Thanks for considering my point of view, id love to consider yours, email me at wazzzzup613@hotmail.com

Posted in Death Penalty....Is it wrong? on 2004-07-07 04:20:30

When most people object to the death penelty they give the following reason(or somthing simillar, "Well its hippocritical, because we say it is illegal to kill, and then we turn around and kill them". This would indeed be the textbook example of hippocritism, if you over look one thing. KILLING is not what the law prohibbits, the law prohibbits MURDER,there is a huge diffrence between the two, Murder is the unjustifiable action of takeing a life that has purpose on this earth. The death penalty on the other hand is nothing of the sort, the death penelty, is controlled killing of someone who has such a huge dept to pay to the society that he/she robbed, that no amount of jail time will satisy that dept, this is not the action of murder. And to look at this in another way, one could even argue, that the death penalty is not takeing a life, it has been handed a life, A person who knowingly commits hanous crimes, has looked civilized society in the face, and given it the finger, this person has forfitted their right to be part of this societie, therefore the death penelty is not an action of takeing a life, that life was given over on a silver platter. Also the death penelty is such a major prevenitive of crime. A criminal, is prowling your street at night, intent on breaking into a house, and getting his next means of drug pament,he is in your house now, hes sees you behind your couch, he is armed, Your done for, right?, this man will not think rationaly, he will kill me, but wait!, he is considering somthing, he is considering the punishments for his actions. Don't you think your more likely to survive, if thoese punishments include the takeing of his life!. Look at the stats, countries with deathj penalties have sugnificantly lower crime rates.

Thanks for considering my point of view, id love to consider yours, email me at wazzzzup613@hotmail.com