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User: adamj93


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Posted in Hypnotizing a sibling on 2013-01-29 02:00:10

hey everybody, this is a story from a while ago about the time my brother got revenge on me for everything i've done to him. soo i've always been interested in self hypnosis (i guess that was where i went wrong already, but anyway..) and so i was on youtube trying different videos. one of those videos was ultrahypnosis' freeze/immobility suggestion (i've been using these on my brother so much i kinda wanted to try them) and i was listening to it and i guess it worked because when i woke up, it was 20 minutes later. i didnt kno that it was later than when i had started, but i did notice after a few minutes that my brother was standing beside me smiling at me. he then told me that about 5 or so minutes into the video he came into my room and saw wat i was doing and let me go under and then snuck in and waited for me to come out of trance. he then went on to say that he heard all the triggers and could use them on me at anytime, and that it was payback time. i told him that he needed my consent before they would work on me, and he told me that while i was in trance he got me to say that the ultrahypnosis guy could use the triggers and so could he. i started to worry because like...my younger brother now had some control over me. i tried to reason with him but before i could, he used one of the triggers (bodylock). this is one that froze my body in place, but i could still move my eyes and talk. i screamed after him to unfreeze me, but he just laughed and used another one of the triggers (lips bound) where i was unable to move my lips to talk. i was helpless as he kicked me in the balls and stripped me naked and left me in my room. i stood naked and aching in my room for 2 and 1/2 hours before he came bak and released everything but my lips so i was still gagged. (which was actually pretty smart because my plan was to use his triggers to freeze him) he left me gagged the rest of the day and only unbound my lips when we were about to go to school. the bus stop is about 2 blocks from our house, and on the way to the bus stop, he used the other trigger (freeze fast) to completely freeze me into a statue. it's also one where when im frozen i dont have a sense of time passing. he hid me in our neighbor's treehouse and left for school. afterwards, when he unfroze me, i was ready to go to school, and he told me it was 4:30 in the afternoon! i wanted to kill him. he then bound my lips again and we walked home, where he kept my lips bound. i decided to take a shower a few hours later and when i was in the shower, he body locked me again. wat was weird was that he gave me a blowjob while i was naked in the shower, almost made me $%!@ and jacked me off until i shot. then smiled and left. leaving me naked, wet, in the shower, with $%!@ everywhere. he came bak in after like 30 minutes to turn the water off so our parents thought i was done, but left me frozen in the shower. he took my towel and dried my body off. then he unfroze me and i went to bed.

wat he doesnt kno is that our parents are going away for the weekend, and im in charge. let's just say he'll be "grounded" in the worst possible way.

Posted in Hypno Incest on 2012-08-02 00:03:13

i recently hypnotized my little brother again, im 19 and he's 15 and the triggers i used on him before still work and are in play. what i did one night when my parents were out of the house was i used the trigger i have to freeze his body and make it so that he can't move, but he's also unaware that any time passed while he was frozen, and i used that. while he was frozen, i undressed him conpletely so that he was completely naked and then i used another one of his triggers to make his #(@! erect. then i left him like that and took pics of him naked that i definetly will use later as blackmail.

i honestly didnt expect him to stay frozen for that long, but i had him very deep down in trance before so i guess he remembered to return that deep. he was frozen and naked for about 2 hours, and in that time i invited my friends over and showed them what i had done. we drew on him with sharpie, shaved half of his head, and even stuck frozen sausages up his @$$. he stayed motionless the WHOLE time. hahaha i love messing with my brother

Posted in Hypnotizing a sibling on 2011-04-17 00:22:19
If you can't see from my previous stories, i take advantage of my brother a lot. So we were alone at home one time, i think it was a saturday, and so i was online and he was playing around in his room. (he was 10 at the time) and i had my tv on and it was the episode of teen titans where beast boy gets hypnotized by that weird british dude...anyway...i wanted to see if it would work so i looked up inductions online and called my brother into my room. he asked wat i wanted and i said to sit down (i have a lounge type of chair in my room) and to just watch and listen to this while i go get a drink. so i started the video (it was on youtube) and put it on full screen and left my room. So i took my time because i knew the video was about 10 minutes long. so i went down the hall, down the steps, into the kitchen and took a lot longer than i had to just to get lemonade. soo i was coming bak down the hallway and i didnt hear the video playing anymore so i knew it must have been over and i opened the door and to my ASTONISHMENT he was sitting right where i left him, but his eyes were closed and his head was down on his stomach. At first i diidnt know wat to do so i just let him sit there cause i also thought that maybe he was faking and would try to scare me, but the whole time i was searching for wat to do next, he remained that way, and so i went to google and typed in "what to say to someone in trance" and it brought up a thing about relaxation techniques and then trying post hypnotic suggestions. well i loaded the page and got to work. I went through the whole relaxtion process and then it said to give the subject a couple of suggestions if u choose, and of course i chose! wording my words very carefully, i gave him a suggestion that anytime i (and only i) said the word "sleep" and snapped my fingers, he would go back into this same deep, relaxing sleep that he is in. i then gave him a trigger that would allow me to freeze and unfreeze his body whenever i (again, only i) said the word "freeze". i know, lame, but ehh...watever. Soo...then i brought him back up, and tested his newly aquired triggers. when he woke up, he was dazed and confused, and didnt know if it had worked. i told him that it hadnt and that he just fell asleep. He wanted to leave and so i said ohk but before u do "sleep" *snap* and his head fell into his lap. Then i woke him up and said that he could leave now. i waited until he was out of my room and down the hall and i shouted "freeze!" i gave it a few seconds and then went out into the hallway and there he was...frozen solid, in mid-walk, in the middle of the hallway. i went over to him and said "now you'll find that i can move you from your position, but you will remain in this frozen state, perfectly relaxed and fine." and i was able to move his arms up and down and his head back and forth, all the while his eyes stared straight ahead, as if he was a statue. i left him there to go and get my camera, and took pictures of him frozen, as well as bringing him out of being frozen and putting him back into trance. I still use these triggers to this day. he's almost 16 now and i can still make him sleep, or turn him into a statue without him knowing abything about it. the only other person i revealed these triggers to is his girlfriend, who takes full advantage of being able to make him sleep and freeze, but only i still have complete control. i want to try to get him to do other things, and i'll post if anything works.
Posted in Hypnosis Power on 2011-02-09 20:49:48

will u hypnotize me?

Posted in Who Has Ever Been Buried in the Sand? on 2011-02-09 01:44:47

wow amazing story!! can u describe the other times??