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User: AlwaysWet


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Posted in Peeing in a randoms car (girls only) on 2014-06-06 18:23:56

I was going to explain you what a troll is, but wikipedia is much better than me :

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.


Posted in Peeing yourself in different types of clothing on 2014-06-04 01:09:16

I wear black jeans or skirts usually. My casual attire will always have either of these. So I wet myself daily or almost. I will wear tight jeans to go out drinking. Only when I dress elegent will I wear something else and not wet myself.

About the glistening, I'm not peeing myself in front of everyone. Not only would they know with the glistening, the resulting puddle would give me away too. I will get somewhere a minimum private to do it; sometimes I'll even go to the toilet but not remove any clothes (and go on the floor rather than the toilet if I can). I still get caught sometimes, but I can play the weak bladder card, or simply shrug it off and let them think what they want (I'll still feel embarrassed, and the person might spread the word, but it's been going fine for me for now).

Posted in Peeing yourself in different types of clothing on 2014-06-03 05:27:18

I know it's been a while since I've made this poll, but now I am more active on Misterpoll, So I thought I'd share my answers in more details.

First off, I never wear underwear. I feel much more confortable without any.

I'll pee myself in jeans or other kind of pants only if they are black, or if they are really tight and I'm in some specific places. That's because I don't want people knowing I've wet myself most of the time. When they are black, the wetness doesn't show (some rare black pants still do, sometimes you learn it the hard way), so I'm fine as long as someone doesn't touch my legs. When they are tight and I'm at some kind of party, or in a bar, dance club, or similar, I can give the reason that my jeans are too tight to remove, or that even if I could remove them, I'd have a really hard time putting them back on (which is not true, I don't wear jeans that tight.). With that reason, I can say it's much more convenient to simply wet myself. Even more reason if I'm drinking alchool is that I'd have to go pee too often to bother. Anyway, in those places, you can often see other girls who wet themselves.

When in pants I'll most often pee while standing. I'll do it sitting on my chair too if I'm there at the time, won't bother standing up only to pee.

In shorts, I'll usually go standing, legs apart, to limit the spreading. That way, the small wetness showing if I keep my legs closed after can pass off as sweat.

In long skirts, I'll usually be naked under them. I'd go standing up, legs apart or closed depending on the situation (like weither I have to be silent, or if I'll sit down soon and wet legs would wet my skirt). However this is not really wetting as no clothes get wet that way.

In short skirts, I'll usually wear leggings or tights under them. I'll then behave like pants if they are black, with the addition of getting the skirt out of the way if I'm sitting. If my leggings aren't black, I might still wet, this time while crouching down, if I think no one will see under my skirt after that.

Posted in Peeing in a randoms car (girls only) on 2014-06-03 05:04:56

Now, about if Catie is a troll... I strongly think she is, but there is no way of knowing for sure. The usual behiavor of trolls is there tho : she answers faster to people raging at her, almost ignoring those who are going for normal conversation. She even said at some place "You sure ask a lot of questions" which a way of saying "stop bothering me you aren't baiting on my hooks." She also said stuff along the lines of "why are you getting angry" which is a fancier way of saying "u mad?", the trademark of trolls. Also notice of a few questions are left unanswered when they start getting into details.

If Catie is a troll, I must give her a round of applause. She is one of the best I've seen. And I've seen a lot, on websites like memecenter.com and several forums. My theory is that Catie trained herself on another website before, maybe more than one. She must have told the same story, baiting people into raging at her until she was discovered and/or banned. Then she moved to another website, learning from her previous mistakes and getting better at developping her story.

Note that if Catie isn't a troll, the story is still fake. It can be someone with a fetish, getting off of telling these stories, and loving a character who is extremely self-centred, hypocondriac, and not into $%!@ even if it please $%!@ lovers (like me, but that character is pushing it way too far.)

Also note that I used the feminine to talk about Catie, but there is a high chance it's a male behing the screen, either a master troll or someone living his fantasm through a character.

Posted in Peeing in a randoms car (girls only) on 2014-06-03 04:52:03

The truth is, all these stories are fake, and Catie is probably a troll. Let me explain.

First, I know it's fake. There is a few reason for that, the first being how she breakes into cars. There was a time of my life where I used to break into cars. I am not proud of it, but it happened. I didn't steal cars, I'd just break into them to take valuables. This happened 10 to 5 years ago. Again it's not really something I'm proud of, but I guess my knoweledge can still serve in some way...

So, the coat hanger. 10 years ago, it was indeed possible to break into cars using one. Some models would unlock from a coat hanger in the key lock, however that required time and luck since you couldn't know which way to wiggle the hanger to unlock the door. However most cars could be unlocked by inserting the hanger between the window and the door at an exact place. That was 10 years ago tho, and Catie says she mainly targets recent and new cars, as to not catch sicknesses...

Let move on. At some point, most cars were now immune to the coat hanger trick, as constructers would learn about it and increase the security of their cars. Thieves adapted, and started using a new instrument; a long, thin and large blade that could easilly be inserted even with the new secured doors, unlocking them the same way the hangers did. Catie never mentions using this tho, and that's still 5 years ago. Nowaday, I'm not even sure that instrument would work anymore.

Breaking windows now. Forget about the movies; smashing a car window is extremely difficult. An average woman can't do it, I can't do it, and most men can't do it. A really strong men might do it, breaking his fist in the process. About using a cloth to protect your fist, that works on normal windows (which are usually much weaker and can be punched trough) and serves as proctecting against the sharp edges that a broken window gets. However, car windows don't get sharp edges; they are specially made to shatter into small, mostly harmless pieces when the window receives enough pressure. This is designed to prevent injuries in case of an accident. Thus, a cloth around your fist will only serve as cushioning it and weakening your punch. Due to that particularity tho, there are easy ways to shatter a car window by inflicting a lot of pressure at once on a small part of the window, getting it to completely shatter; however Catie clearly doesn't know about that, and I'm not here to give lesson on how to break into cars.

Finally, the alarms. Let imagine Catie lives 10 years ago, when you could use a coat hanger. In that time, if you found a car that could resist the coat hanger, that meant walk away, find a new target. Because if a car can resist that, it most certainly has an alarm. But Catie, in the topic called Today, fails to unlock a car and smash the window. No alarm tho, and never does she talks about alarms at any time.

Second reason I know it's fake : her daugther. She is apparently 14 months old. At that point, a normal baby can say a few words but not phrases. It is also far from ready for potty training. Yet, her daughter knows when she has to pee, and can hold herself long enough for her mother to break into a car and set her potty? There's no way I can believe that.

Third reason : she never got caught. Impossible. I live and did my crimes in Canada, which is less densely populated than New Zealand. I did my stuff at night, rarely more than once a month. Breaking into a car using the coat hanger or the thin blade, popping out the radio and grabbing the random bag laying on the back seat takes less than 3 minutes. Yet I got caught several times. For Catie, even if she knew a real way of breaking into a car, it would still take her more than 5 minutes to set up the potty, $%!@, wait for her daughter to finish $%!@ing, and wipe both of them. Increase the time even more if one of them has to poop. She would do that around once a day, during the day, for a long time? (as she started way before her daughter was born.) Completely impossible.