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User: Ancient Clown


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Posted in GOD's Choice over man-made 'DRUGS'. on 2006-07-26 15:56:03

Ever heard the expression; "All things in moderation". Pot is not addictive, helps stave off other addictions, is non lethal, and has medicinal properties for numerous illnesses. Jesus, Himself, was reported to have used it as medicinal oils. Considering GOD made everything for a reason, and man makes things to kill you...I'll trust GOD. Jesus also turned water into wine...but not to get drunk. Smoking doobs would probably fall into a similar catagory, considering how much it matches our dietary needs, eating everyday IS necassary, just not ALL day. SEE the difference? your humble servant, Ancient Clown

Posted in GOD's Choice over man-made 'DRUGS'. on 2006-07-26 15:41:35

Actually...NO. Living in BALANCE with nature has been taught throughout religions as well, (as it is ALSO part of GOD's creation) but has been kept in the background. Jesus was known to have used these oils for medicinal use. This was verified years ago in articles in Canada's Oldest Newspaper--"The Whig Standard" for one. The Human race & Cannabis have an extremely long history of "Togetherness" for MANY uses...that is until government corruption saught to remove it from the hands of the poor by making it criminal...thus tightening their control and manipulation on the poor. If anyone can have it, grow it, use it as GOD intended, etc. there will be no more POOR. your humble servant, Ancient Clown

Posted in GOD's Choice over man-made 'DRUGS'. on 2006-07-26 15:31:33

How VERY right you are BOIL, concerning the misconceptions about 'Pot Addiction'. This has been a huge part of the governments propoganda of misinformation almost as bad as being the 'GATEWAY DRUG', which is also completely false. Asking MOST addicts (coke, meth, herion, etc.) will tell you that alcohol is what makes them relapse...the same alcohol that is responsible for MOST domestic violence. The same alcohol that is LEGAL. your humble servant, Ancient Clown