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User: Andrew55



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Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-08-27 16:39:10

Hi Katie Well I am glad it is out in the open and the worst is over, although it sounds like he did cane you every day for a week, your bottom must be very sore. On the need front I think only you can say if you needed the cane, we might suggest you deserved it. Had I been your boss you would have been caned but less severely.

Having to stand there with your knickers off would be embarrassing I had a friend who had to do that many years ago made worse by the fact that he was one of two girls disciplined at the same time.

so......your husband must know....not all of it of course, or perhaps he does. I have to say the last time my PA got the slipper, I also took her to bed, but then again my PA is also my wife!


Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-08-17 01:08:59

Good luck for tomorrow . I am sure you will have mixed feelings. Relief there is an end, anticipation of the moment you find out just how hard he canes, and of course, ...whatever else awaits you.


Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-08-07 12:07:59

Hi Katie

It sounds like you have made up your mind are reconciled to getting the cane and whatever else follows. All I can do is offer you moral support.

If you want to talk any further you can always drop an email contact into my poll then it would be private . http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/582582

Good luck!


Posted in How should my wife be punished? on 2013-08-06 15:57:10

I am sure she knows exactly what she has done. If she is anything like my wife she probablt knows what is coming.

When she behaves like an irresponsible naughty little girl ( in our case) my wife's mind automatically goes to our bedroom cupboard drawer and the slipper that is there. She is then in a high state of anxiety until she is confronted at which point apart from not wanting it at all, all she really realy wants is to get the inevitable over and done with.

I personally would use a slipper or hairbush - bit scarier than the hand, I always spank my wife otk, and on the bare bottom, she is your wife the level of bareness is your decsion.

Again personal preferences but in our case having been dealt with as a naughty girl my wife is then, once she has composed herself , very anxious to be treated like a mature woman and we usually make up in bed.


Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-08-06 15:32:08

Hi Katie,

As a husband I guess i should not be even in the realms of suggesting this...... and it depends entirely on how honest ( and faithful) you want to be with your husband.

These are choices you have to make this is not advice! In terms of punishment it seems the worst case secenario is that you are caned at work...and home, and to me that is unfair. I would not cane my wife in those circumstances, but I certainly would cane her if ( I knew) she was unfaithful .

You do deserve punishment but what punishment? And what is punishment ?

I guess it is what you can justify to yourself, if it is in your family's interests for you to keep your job and he is " nice" and this is a one off ( and there comes the problem I guess) then could you negotiate a lesser punishment, hand spanking which you could keep from your husband being aware of? You could in those circumstances offer to strip from the waist down bend over the desk to take your punishment and then when he is finished the first phase of punishing you ............

There aren't many men who could resist a willing woman offering that that and he isn't going to talk if you are not.

But it depends on what you are prepared to do and how you square it with your conscience ....sometimes knowing everything is not the best thing.

It strikes me you have a lucky boss!
