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User: AndrewThompson


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Posted in Have you ever wet your pants? on 2009-04-13 02:53:19

Oh my god. No thanks. I would rather not. But I don't mind other people doing it - as long as it doesn't touch me, and I don't have to smell it or clean it up. =] $%!@, I haven't been on this website in nearly two years. I used to post fake stories on these sorts of polls, and then on the ones I didn't post stories, I would freak out and flip at all the americans, saying how New Zealand is so much better.

Seriously, New Zealand actually sucks. Like, I've never left this country. I'm so sick of it. I used to be such a douche on this website. Sorry for anything I said that may have offended anyone, I only developed an adequate amount of self awareness in September 2008.

Posted in Teenagers wetting their pants by ACCIDENT? on 2009-04-12 02:42:53

Pffft. That's makes him even worse, then. New Zealand sucks.

Posted in Have you ever wet your pants? on 2007-07-07 04:23:56

lol i kind of get it how she's as supportive as you say she is...like being gay or christian, there's nothing too wrong with wetting yourself. its a little gross, but no way near as gross as pooping yourself - that would be a totally different scenario! lol and anyway here in new zealand apparently you can get these diapers that are quite thin and no one can really notice you have them on. the sizes go up big enough to be for teenagers. they're meant to cure bedwetting or something like that -they'r called "dry nites"...dry nites mean dry mornings! lol hey Emo_Kid, maybe you should consider moving to new zealand?

Posted in Have you ever wet your pants? on 2007-07-07 04:18:07

count yourself lucky. lol you two will probably be together for the rest of your days, by the looks of it... get married, have kids, and go senial together. and who knows, you may as well be $%!@ing yourself the whole time HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! sorry if i scared you (so much you wet your pants...) lol i'm cracking my self up (you'll crack up so much you'll wet your pants maybe) LOL sorry i'm just so funny hahahahahaha lol lmao lmfao sorry very sorry this will (or might) not happen again...hehehe

Posted in Friends! on 2007-02-17 06:16:13

Rachel and Phoebe

I like rachel cos she's hot and phoebe cos she's frickin HILARIOUS!!! they are the best characters, the two of them. lol.