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User: ant123



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Posted in Wetting the Bed at a Sleepover on 2006-10-25 20:21:16


Once, my best m8 came for a sleepover. At around 10.30 we were both hot so we stripped to briefs. My mate then asked if we could sleep naked, I said yes thats fine. We friend slept on the floor on his sleeping bag, I slept on my bed.

During the night, my friend woke me up. He said he had soaked his sleeping bag. I was like, hey don't worry about it. I then told him, that I was gona wet me bed too. So I pulled my quilst to one side, and i peed on myself and my bed. Was so much fun. My friend even got a hard on. He said, seen as though its just us two here, can we poop on the beds? I said yes why not. So we both make a big poop on the bed. By the end of the night, we were both in the same bed and peeing on eachother.

Posted in Are you a bedwetter? on 2006-10-23 21:23:37


Iv bin wearin goodnites for about a year. They look like regular unidies, you can't tell the difference. I even don't wear anything on top of them, just my goodnites. All my friends know about it, and they are cool with it (one of them even wanted to try one on when thry came for a sleepover, so I let him). Goodnites are actually quite comfortable too. Iv not told anyone, but once on a Friday night I always wet by goodnites on purpose. Hey, if I wet the bed, I may as well have some fun with it. There is nothig better than going to sleep with a warm wet feeling.

Posted in Dreams causing you to Wet the Bed on 2006-10-06 21:38:53


One time, I was dreaming that I was really despirate to pee outside, so in the dream I did. Then I woke up, and I found I was peeing the bed (by the way I sleep naked). So, rarther than stopping peeing, I actually continued to soak the bed. A really good feeling! However there was a puddle of pee on the bed as I needed to pee really bad, but I ignored it and I think a slept on the puddle of pee. I was having such a good time but them i suddenly remembered I had a friend round my house for a sleepover. I was like OMFG!!! We woke up at about 7.30a.m. and he immedietly asked if I had wet the bed. I said yes, and I took the sheets off my bed to prove it (I was still naked). He then took the sheets off his bed (he slept naked too, we both had hard-ons), and we splashed his bed with pee. I was realllly shocked. I think he peed more than me to. Luckly no one else was in the house which gave us time to clean up, but yeah would I do it again! I was 13 and my m8 was 13 at the time.

Posted in Dreams causing you to Wet the Bed on 2006-08-09 21:46:02

I have had dreams when I am either peeing myself or peeing in the toilet, but moslty about peeing outside (at the beach for some odd reason). Anyway, what happens is I start to pee in my dream, wake up and I find that I am peeing in my briefs. What do I do? I usually continue to wet the bed. Mainly because the damage has been done, right? Si I may as well use the time wisly and feel the sensation of peeing myself. After I have finished peeing, I will go back to sleep. In the morning, I change my breifs (the sheets stay wet, I pee in bed every night :-( so I don't bother changing it, just about one a week).

This also happened during a sleepover. Someone was round my house (13, I am 15) and I woke to to find myself peeing. Even though I had a friend round, I still continued to wet the bed. However, my friend saw me awake, peeing my briefs. I told him that I woke up in mid stream, he said OK, and he also said would I mind if he could pee in his bed? (It was my sleeping bag, my friend was in, but it was of course soaked with pee anyway which he knew. So I said to him, hey, that sleeping bag is already soaked with pee, a little more won't hurt! So, my friend deliberatly peed through his breifs and onto my sleeping bag on purpose. He said it was an amazing experience. You might think this is strange, but I agree with him totally. You should try it, tonight. Of course, don't do it on purpose, but if you wake up finding yourself peeing, you know the damage has alredy been done, so just carry on peeing! That's what I have done for many months now.

Posted in bedwetting on 2006-08-08 17:29:09

Yeah i new exactly what you mean. As I sleep naked, I will put on a pair of briefs purposly so that I can wet the bed. What happens, is I wait till I need to pee during the night, pull the sheets to one side and pee slowly. I like to watch the pee fill up in my briefs (They are white, so it is fun to watch them turn a yellowy sort of colour). I also find, that it helps me sleep, having the feeling of pee on me. If you hacn't wet the bed before, I suggest you do it TO NIGHT on purpose. Thats right boys, tonight. Put on a pair of briefs if you have them, and just wet the bed. You can still wet the bed naked, but it means more mess to clear up afterwards.