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User: Apallo


Polls Created


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Posted in crossdressing for costume party on 2009-04-19 02:52:00

What I would suggest is that you simply go as yourself, just dressed as a girl. You don't have to try and pass as a girl because chances are you won't be able to. I would say wear all the female attire and wear makeup and stuff, but try to alter who you are, just go for the look and have fun as yourself. As for the $%!@ty outfit idea I would say no, if you don't have the real body parts you just look retarded if you try to go $%!@ty. I said cheerleader because you can get some revealing but not $%!@ty costumes. Don't go too short with the skirt, nobody really wants to look at that the whole night. As for the top it should be fine to have your abdomen exposed, it's just us guys don't have the same look so it might look more convincing if you had a full suit.

Just my advice.

I agree on the swim suit issue, I really can't explain what it is about wearing a girls swim suit. But there is something exciting about it. I never go out in public or anything like that. I just wear my sisters bikini's when I'm home alone. I used to only dress up in her clothes (bra's, panties, skirts and suck) But recently I decided to try on her bikini's and I haven't gone back. I love those things. My sister is gone for the next 2 weeks and my parents both work full time, so I'm gonna be enjoying some serious time in bikini's these next two weeks.

But like I said before, there is just something about wearing them that can't be explained...
If your curious then I say go ahead and try it, you never know what you might be missing out on.

Posted in Should Males Be Required to Pee Sitting Down? on 2007-03-10 06:06:00

I agree, this is crazy. Women don't have the body anatomy to pee while standing. Guys do, thats just the way it is.

If girls complain about long lines, why do they want guys to go through the same pain. If your reason is because men and women should be treated equal then I'm sorry I don't agree with you.
Also what does guys waiting in a long line gain you? If you have to wait in a long line and you wet your pants it's going to happen even if guys are waiting in a line as well.

I think the creator of this poll needs medical help.

Posted in Would you date this girl? on 2007-02-04 05:07:38

Wow, this girl sounds like my type. She sounds very much like my type. I 'm homeschooled so lots of my friends fit into many of these descriptions. Whoever the creator of this poll is you would love my group of friends. And I would consider it an honor to get to know someone like you.

Posted in Belly Buttons on 2006-01-19 23:59:17

Keira Knightly has by far the hottest belly. The whole thing looks like a beautiful bit of art work.