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User: Arthur Bhutic



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Posted in What do guys wear under their pants? on 2005-04-15 20:56:53

Since I was 3 and 1/2, I all the time wear underwear on underneath, just that I was never at the point that wearing underwear wasn't at all comfortable, as well as not at the point that I didn't at all like underwear, even when I wet my underwear. Between when I was 2 and 3 and 1/2, I was wearing training underwear. Even that, I was also not at the point that wearing training underwear wasn't at all comfortable, as well as not at the point that I didn't at all like underwear, even when I wet my training underwear and couldn't strip it off. Due to that it was cotton, the feel of wearing my training underwear was very comfortable, and I even loved the feel of my training underwear. When I wet it, wearing it wet was uncomfortable, and that I didn't like being in my training underwear wet. Due to the feel of my training underwear, after I could take of my training underwear and still wet my training underwear, I was still wearing it under my pants. Before I was wearing underwear, I dark blue was my favorite color and I loved dark blue. I first was wearing dark blue stripe underwear. Wearing underwear was almost comfortable, and I almost liked my underwear, even if I wet or even bedwet it. That's because dark blue stripe underwear was very comfortable to wear, and I loved the dark blue stripes on my underwear. At 6 and 1/2, I then liked my underwear, because then I liked colored underwear, even when I wet it. At 8 and 1/2, I also loved underwear, because I loved frilly underwear, even when I wet that as well, and even liked my wet underwear. At 9, I even loved my wet underwear. I would rather wear wet underwear under my pants, rather than no underwear under my pants. I get over my wet underwear under my pants.

Posted in do u wear underwear? on 2005-04-15 20:24:52

I wear underwear all the time, including under my swimwear. Girls should wear underwear, also under their swimwear.

Posted in Boys Underwear Poll (10-17) on 2005-04-15 19:54:01

I pee in the woods or behind bushes. At the swimming pool, I pee on the grass, and at the beach, on the sand, even when I was 4.

Posted in Boys Underwear Poll (10-17) on 2005-04-15 19:51:53

I sleep in underwear and boxer shorts.

Posted in Boys Underwear Poll (10-17) on 2005-04-15 19:50:48

The best is colored or frilly briefs.