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User: ashton123


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Posted in Privacy rights double standard (medical field) on 2015-03-26 03:31:04

Surveys have shown that 10% of male patients who have a female doctor report "inappropriate touching and comments during a physical exam at some point in their lives." However, males are less likely to report sexually abusive behavior than females, so the percentage of cases involving actual incidents is probably higher.

Additionally, surveys show that the most common groups to be exploited or be victims of sexual misconduct are NOT female patients but rather are "(1) teenage boys," followed by "(2) guys in their 20s getting their first required physical," followed by "(3) men getting their 3rd or 4th Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)."

Posted in Privacy rights double standard (medical field) on 2015-03-26 02:26:23

I just saw this story about Ear, Nose and Throat Dr. Twana Sparks of Gila Regional Medical Center in New Mexico and had to share it because of how ridiculous it illustrates the main point of this poll.

Basically this 40ish female doctor "performed non-authorized genital exams on male patients without their consent while they were under anesthesia... for years up to and including at least July 17, 2007." Apparently it was widely known among nurses and staff that she did this. Two running jokes were "Umm, doctor, that's a long way from the throat" and "Now I realize that ENT stands for Ears, Nuts and Testicles." The incident that finally got her in trouble was when "Sparks threw back the covers on a still-anesthetized man in his mid-30s just after surgery, reached into the fly of his boxer shorts, pulled out his $%!@ and held it in her ungloved hand toward the ceiling." When she "noticed fluid-filled vesicles indicative of a sexually transmitted disease on the right side of the shaft and yelled, 'Oh, gross!' She then slapped the head of the $%!@ 3 times to shouts of, 'Bad boy, bad boy, bad boy.' the all-female OR team laughed." Fortunately one of those nurses felt uncomfortable enough about the situation to report it. However, when she reported it to Mark Donnell, MD, the hospital's director of anesthesia, he "laughed and said, 'Oh, wait, is Twana doing one of her exams again?'" The hospital took no action against Sparks, but they did fire the whistle-blowing nurse. Only then did the nurse report the incident to the New Mexico Medical Board, which after an investigation confirmed the abuses. However, Dr. Sparks was put on only a "2-month paid leave of absence," was allowed to "retain her medical license," and even "continue to practice" - with the VERY SERIOUS caveat that she "can't see patients or perform genital or rectal exams without a chaperone." (Note that Sparks had plenty of female nurses chaperoning the incident in question who seemed more interested in getting a kick out of watching her play with the anesthetized man's $%!@ than serving as advocates on his behalf.)

In addition to the "exams" Sparks offered further humiliation to her unsuspecting male patients by "writing messages and drawing images on their anesthetized bodies." One example given was how she frequently wrote "PROPERTY OF __ (patient's wife's name) in surgical site marker" and explained away her actions as something "[the patient's] wife would get a kick out of."

Here's a couple of links to news articles: http://www.outpatientsurgery.net/resources/forms/2010/pdf/OutpatientSurgeryMagazine_1001_ent.pdf http://www.scsun-news.com/ci_13887704

I just want to point out that a male ENT who fondles female genitalia would be consisdered a sex predator. But hey... her website shows she's accepting new patients.

Posted in Nudity on TV (making fun of) on 2013-12-18 07:16:32

In general I'm not opposed to nudity in tv/movies when appropriate. I mean, I like seeing the naked hottie as much as the next guy. Usually though these types of scenes aren't meant to be funny so much as sexy.

However, the rise in male nudity has led to a rise in using nudity for comedic purposes. In particular male nudity in the form of old or overweight guys or guys with small $%!@es. This is the type of nudity I am totally getting sick of, yet it is appearing at a more and more frequent level in comedies, sit-coms, commercials, etc...

Some examples include Kevin Heffernan in the scene in Super Troopers, Jason Segel in the scene in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Randy Gambill in the scene in Observe and Report. All are cfnm scenes. All three guys have small $%!@es. All three are overweight. The third example is of a scene that seems to last forever (probably like 5mins - no joke) where a naked guy runs in slow motion through a crowded public mall with his $%!@ flopping all over the place (also in slow motion). I could bring up plenty of others, but I think you get my point.

Here's a link to the last one to see how ridiculous it is. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xo6q5z_observe-and-report-most-romantic-scene_fun

I think it is becoming more common because while girls and guys are ok with nudity as funny in male parts, neither is ok with nudity as funny in female parts. Girls and other guys love making fun of and seeing the naked guy with the small $%!@ embarrassed or humiliated, but girls become offended and close ranks and guys get all chivalrous when a girl is naked for just laughs.

Posted in Why do some guys hang around the locker room naked? on 2013-04-29 05:51:05

Thanks for the encouragement guys. I agree with you both that it is really a mind over matter situation, but... saying, typing, or thinking that I'm comfortable being seen naked is all well and good until it comes time to actually be naked in front of people. Maybe I will work up to being ok with my small size one day, but at the moment it's easier said than done.

Posted in Why do some guys hang around the locker room naked? on 2013-04-22 06:25:33

By "be your own boss to" do you mean I should flaunt my tiny prick. I don't know man. You may not be large, but I guarantee you're bigger than I am. I can't help but get really embarrassed at anyone, even other guys, seeing my tiny $%!@. Also, the jokes never stop when other dudes see how small I am. Good for you being able to handle it, but I think I'd rather just avoid that.