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User: Becky34



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Posted in l got spanked today on 2017-09-23 14:31:56

Hi Liz

So good to hear that you have transformed your life and are now free from punishments etc.

Thank you for your kind words - it was a big step to leave the community and move into the outside world. It too me a long time to pluck up enough courage to do it but I have never regretted it.

I am not sure if my friends will ever completely leave as they have more family ties that I had but at least they can sample a few freedoms for a couple of hours every week or so at my house. They would be in trouble with the elders if found out though


Posted in l got spanked today on 2017-09-20 12:51:36

Hi Virginie

I may consider buying a cane if one of my friends would be prepared to use it. Maybe they would like to experience a caning as well. We have fun giving each other the slipper - not as punishments but I don't know about caning. I will also see if the younger girl will want to try a spanking when she visits.

If not I will visit my professional lady in London next month. My guilt is because I have the freedom to choose what I wear and do but my friends have strict rules in the religious community that I left.

Good luck at Uni and enjoy your party on Saturday. It would be good if your parents allow you to have a boyfriend. You will be able to show them that you are able to act responsibly with him. Have they relaxed any of their other rules for Uni - wearing trousers for example?


Posted in l got spanked today on 2017-09-17 14:09:48

Hi Jane

I expect that I will need to be caned again in about 6 weeks. My guilty feelings are starting to build up again.

The slipperings didn't do the trick. My friends from the community still come around for a coffee and chat every week - 10 days and I always feel guilty that I can do or wear what I choose whereas they have strict rules.

Another younger girl of about 20 may join them next weekend. She found out about their visits and is longing to experiment with make up (banned in the community). She will also put on a pair of trousers for the first time in her life if mine fit her.

I never bought a cane but we still spank and slipper each other for fun every now and then - I am not sure if the younger girl will want to join in.

It is good that Jen willingly bends over for her punishments. I expect the lighter cane gives a sharper sting. Does she touch her toes, grab her knees or bend over something?


Posted in l got spanked today on 2017-09-17 08:57:43

Hi Jane

Good to hear from you again.

It is good that you now have your own place for Jen and yourself. I hope it will mean less punishments for you now that you are not living with your mum.

I think Jen was first caned in June by your mum. Do you cane her yourself very often or does she usually get the slipper?


Posted in l got spanked today on 2017-09-10 14:55:39


Good luck for Friday - that cross stroke will no doubt be very painful.

Is your sister likely to be bending over with you this time?
