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User: Big Beef (big papa smurf)



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Posted in GLOBAL WARMING DEBATE on 2007-07-28 17:02:57

How can you say this year has not been wet.HAHAHA, apart from april the last two months have been the wettest months on record!! Many towns and cities have felt the effects of flooding. I don't think you know what you are on about. Climate change is this country will not involve very hot summers with little rain as most people think, summers will be much wetter and humid. Only very hot weather will occure in the med countries of Italy ext.. in europe, where they have seen temperatures of 50 celcius this summer. Britain will become more wetter than ever before and will see much more freak weather storms (ie the tornado that hit Birmingham a couple of years ago). Anyone that expects the UK to get warmer and more sunny will have a very nasty shock. As cold winters will become longer springs will become shorter with brief periods of hot weather like this april, and summers will also be vertually none existent to how they used to be. With cooler and wet weather drawing in much sooner into September and possibly even late August. So the future does look bad for the UK!!!!!!!!!!

Posted in DEATH PENALTY IN THE UK on 2007-02-02 21:57:14

The death penalty is a barbaric medeval punishment. No one should be put to death no matter wot they have done however, they should be locked away in prison. People have been wrongly sentenced in the past and have been sentenced to death when they were totaly innocent. The death penalty is not needed and should never be introduced again in the UK.

Posted in Bush the next hitler on 2006-12-30 18:24:55

Bang on Bush is already the next Hitler infact he's worse than hitler as he is getting away with all of his crimes and nobody seems to want to get rid of him.

Posted in Football on 2006-12-30 18:02:34

Good poll. Only one point to make. Deigo Maradona was not a striker he was a midfield player

Posted in European footballer of the year on 2006-12-30 17:59:25