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User: bioness


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Posted in Most popular manga! on 2007-10-13 00:18:17

Oh my gosh how could you forget this, it has won awards for best manga multiple times (plus that may be the reason why the other option is so big >.>)

Posted in Racist Scholarships? on 2007-01-31 03:15:50

well truthfully any scholarship based on race is wrong in my opinion, i am a (how this subjective society puts it BLACK,stupid labels you can not place different races of people in a simple 5 or 6 catagory brand) well anyway back to the subject, a scholarship shouldn't be based on race at all, it also shouldn't be based on family history either, it should be fully set on how you as a human being not as a white, black, hispanic....... person whatever have done up to that point to excel or average in fields of that colleges standards.