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User: captpicard12


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Posted in undershirts on 2009-12-24 21:22:15

post anything you'd like about undershirts here.

Posted in More Unbuttoned Shirt Questions - Guys on 2009-12-24 03:13:15

As a young teenager, I'd agree generally, but would say that I only fully unbutton my shirt if i have something on it, be it t-shirt or a guy's tanktop. if I didn't have anything, I wouldn't go more then 2-3 buttons ever.

Posted in Boys Summer Clothes on 2009-12-23 01:34:49

i gotta stay fully dressed at all seasons, just have conservative parents. Fall/winter usually sweater, t-shirt, undershirt, jeans and boxers. Spring/summer usually t-shirt, undershirt, jeans/cargo shorts, boxers.

Posted in Boys Summer Clothes on 2009-12-23 01:29:47

i would, sometimes when i'm home alone i do, but my parents are really conservative about dress, I'm not even allowed to wear an undershirt without something over it.

Posted in boys with jobs on 2009-12-22 22:46:29

One time we were out shopping for clothes, and I decided I wanted some athletic undershirts (wifebeaters, singlets, vests). I wanted them because i sweat more on the chest then the armpits, wanted something more comfortable than crews, wanted something that could go under a t-shirt, and I don't like the collar of my undershirt to show. Unfortunately, they decided I couldn't, probably cause of the stereotype about them. Still don't get why, hope i can convince them...