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User: CashX



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Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2023-04-11 08:39:19

Maintain a good credit score. Treat the dealer with respect and courtesy, as this may influence their decision to offer you better financing terms. Consider arranging your own financing through your bank before selecting a vehicle. Always remember to be polite, as it can make a difference in the negotiation process. Additionally, you can use Cashx

Posted in have you have climbed on top of a car? on 2023-04-11 08:38:44

Maintain a good credit score. Treat the dealer with respect and courtesy, as this may influence their decision to offer you better financing terms. Consider arranging your own financing through your bank before selecting a vehicle. Always remember to be polite, as it can make a difference in the negotiation process. Additionally, you can use Cashx