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User: charlene-h



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Posted in Modesty for female athletes on 2021-06-20 16:17:04

Night Vision

I have sent an e-mail. charlene.hobs@eclipso.eu

Posted in Modesty for female athletes on 2021-06-20 15:34:15

Yes, of course you have females who need a bra for support necessarily. But like the 19yo some never need one. Probably you have seen girls with 12 years having more. I will not say I have nothing but barely fill a B. And with your remarks some guys have more, that is true. I have seen a comedian who joked about a young woman being topless in a resort and being asked to put on a top. She said "Why? That guy over there has more $%!@ than me!" The final sentence of the comedian was "I could have loved about this situation if she hadn't pointed at me!" Well, that guy really had humor.

When they stopped the skins versus shirts procedure in school I did continue in my free time after school when we had a game. The guys never complained when I played in the skins team.

Posted in Modesty for female athletes on 2021-06-20 14:30:14

For me gender equality is a very important thing. It is ridiculous that women must not go topless while man can. Nobody gets harmed by seeing a topless woman. And if you can't go topless in your own yard it is even worse. We had over 30 degrees C during the last days. And even over 20 at night. I went topless all the time. Well, needed tons of sunscreen but I took my freedom. And gladly nobody frowned upon me.

Posted in Modesty for female athletes on 2021-06-20 13:53:06

Night Vision, I am absolutely in favour of a pool like you are suggesting. I would sent my daughters (8 and 11) to such a pool without hesitation. Everything is open so nothing can happen and you have only fun when there are no restriction and rules except for absolute safety reasons.

Posted in Modesty for female athletes on 2021-06-20 13:47:02

Hi Night Vision, it is the best way to decide who plays on a team if somebody wants to play and is able to play. Not if it is a boy or girl. In times when you can't afford expensive trikots it is the most simple way to part teams in skins and shirts. Nobody of us complained about to be in the skins team. We had our fun. It is so typical for an exaggerated modesty that a mother of an 8yo girl complains that her daughter plays on a skins team. At that age there is absolutely no difference above the waist between girls and boys. Some girls in our class had very short hair. So if you didn't know her you could not tell at first or second sight if she is boy or girl. Some of them often were mistaken as boys and they found it quite funny. I am sure the 8yo girl didn't understand the commotion about it. I feel sorry for those kids. Because they get drummed an exaggerated and hysterical modesty into their little heads which is absolutely unnecessary.