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User: chrisparkyn


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Posted in Discipline by prefects on 2004-11-03 18:03:50

I went to school back in the 70s and prefects were allowed to slipper boys. The head prefect, however, was allowed to use the cane. I received six very hard strokes from him for smoking. He really laid it on and it hurt like mad.

Posted in UK schools past and present on 2004-06-12 15:48:27

Very intersted to hear whatother people think about schools today. E mail with comments to chrisparkyn@lineone.net

Posted in boys' school uniforms-- shorts required on 2003-04-11 16:01:49

I am a 14 and in year 9 at a UK boys grammar school. I have just got really bad exam results and my parents have made me go back to wearing grey shorts to school. It is really embarassing and I get teased a lot. I am the only boy in the school wearing shorts.