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User: Citizen X


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Posted in The Catholic Church on 2005-09-16 06:47:23

Protestant Ministers

If you know so much about Evangelists, feel free to do your own Poll about them. I have no doubt that thanks to the Tax Laws in America, they are robbing people blind and making billions of dollars and spreading it out among their family while always claiming to be poor. Religion, especially in America is as corrupt as everything else has become. Satan Rules here on Earth.

Posted in The Catholic Church on 2005-09-16 06:45:04

Jesus did not wear any gold sashes or cardboard hats and gold rings and chains, so it is not "historical" towards Christ. The fancy dresses represent the corruption of the Catholic Church, just like the fact that they hire the best law firms to fight their pedophile lawsuits and don't show any concern for the victims. It is all a sign of corruption, IMHO. I went to Catholic School, High School, and College, and saw blatantly queer Priests who spent money like Rock Stars for 20+ years until I realized that most of them don't believe in Jesus Christ and they don't follow any of their "Sacred Vows" and it is just their job where they get to live with a bunch of like-minded homosexuals.

Posted in PINK: Great Singer or White Trash? on 2005-09-14 08:37:59

Go back to your Trailer Park, your sister is wanting some love.

Posted in PINK: Great Singer or White Trash? on 2005-09-14 08:36:08

So you want your daughters to admire and imitate a dyke?

Posted in Traffic Citations & Traffic Cops on 2005-09-13 19:39:49

The Legislature and Politicians are just sleazeballs that take the easy way out by giving the crappy job to the Police. So they give Police Departments a financial incentive in that a percentage of the citations goes to their budget so they can buy Kevlar Vests and whatever is not in the Legislative funding. That is dishonest, but what can you expect from Politicians?