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User: CockSucker117

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Posted in For Christian women: Sex and Submission on 2010-12-31 11:34:36

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Posted by : BillabongSurfer28 on 2009-07-28 20:11:46 Maybe your crossing the line a little with saying this but I know my girl does everything I tell her. If she doesn't she gets punished and that ends her rebelious behaviour. Its amazing what pull over the lap and a good spanking can do to a girl. Don't you agree Master K

i have to agree with you on this one, i am a girl and i get spanked whenever i just think about not being submissive to him. When spanked my bf does it hard and for a while and it puts me back in my place real quick. By the end of it all, i deserved it and i usually make up for it with a bj.

Posted in How Often Do You Do The Deed? on 2010-12-31 11:04:41

I am a girl and i agree about how much sex should be going on per day. It isnt healthy if kept to a minimum like how she does it. My boyfriend does the deed whenever he likes and i love him for going inside me so often.