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User: Corn Man



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Posted in Watching guys fight (girls only) on 2006-08-23 22:55:17

My "wife" loves to watch me fight. Unfortunately my hands are classified as "deadly weapons" so I can get in a lot of troubloe if I kill someone, which I can do very easily and accidentally. But I once had to protect this other girl (SONJA) from like 8 guys who wanted to rape her. I was swinging my $%!@ing fists around and everytime they connected with one of the guys, he went down instantlty. CRACK!!!!!, down. CRACK!!!!!, down. And so on. I thought the first few would give up but I had to drop em all. Some of them bled like stuck pigs after I slammed my fists into them. I might have killed some of em. It was dark and noone was around. Normally I don't fight, because my fists have been known to kill people. The guy I killed when I was 15, before I really realized how strong I was, I smashed my fist into his head and it just collapsed under my fist, he was dead instantly and just hit the ground like a sack of beans, and I had to do time in a home for boys where NOONE would $%!@ with me. Anyway, my $%!@ was hard after I smashed those 8 guys up for Sonja, and he r$%!@ was wet, and she took me to her house where I $%!@ed her all night and all morning the next day and for months aftreward. She always made me feel like there was a bomb in my $%!@. I loved that girl.

Posted in How much can you bench press (adult men & women) ? on 2006-08-23 22:41:54

Oh yeah my bench. god only knows. Seems like at the gym you can only pack on 765 lbs onto that little bar. I can do that like it was nothing. I'd probably max out at around a ton.

Posted in Men vs Women on 2006-08-23 22:38:18

She couldn't control me, although I'm sure she could get my attention. I am a lot physically stronmger than your wife, she probably can't lift a tenth of what I can.

Posted in Men vs Women on 2006-08-23 22:36:25

Stronger? STRONGER???

Where ar you>?

Posted in Men vs Women on 2006-08-23 22:34:50

Emma Emma Emma. All is this talk about how hard girls had to fight to get the vote. You do realize that in the end, men simpkly gave it to you, right? ou did ot "take" it from us. We were nice. We gave you the PRIVELEGE of voting. You should be more grateful. Theres no way you could possibly control me or be dominant over me. I am bigger and stronger than you'll eber be.