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User: Curiosity killed the cat



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Posted in White Girls Only "Interracial Dating" on 2003-08-05 03:04:29

This is purely for accuracy purposes:

Comparing white men to black men (Roughly ages 21 - 36):

Convicted Criminals: White Men: 14 out of 1000 Black Men: 111 out of 1000

HIV/AIDS infected: White Men: 1.85 out of 1000 Black Men: 8.45 out of 1000

So, if you meet the same amount of white men and black men you have:

792% greater chance of meeting a black male who is a criminal.

456% greater chance of meeting a black male with AIDS/HIV.

Or, looking at it this way. If you were to refuse dating someone who is either a criminal or someone who has HIV/AIDS, and you were to meet 1000 white and 1000 black males,

119 black males would be rejected and 16 white males would be rejected.

I don't know a white girl who's currently dating a black guy, but I bet if I did she would change her tune after learning all the FACTS.

-My sources: The Associated Press, and The Centers for Disease Control.

TO: Brownsuga & Jubeisan,

I hope the two of you get a chance to read this. Your last posts sounded like you didn't want to waste any more time with this (I don't blame you).

I want to apologize. You both sound like really nice people and Brownsuga's words got to me.

I think I explained it early by saying that these are feelings with which I am fighting. One moment I will hate the thought of an IR relationship, and the next minute that feeling is completely gone. I don't understand it, but I WANT to.

And, Brownsuga, what you asked me about whether I feel the same way toward a white man with a black woman. That's part of what tears me up inside. There are plenty of black women I find attractive, and I know I'd be lucky to meet them. But I really can't go down that road until I figure out why I feel the way I do.

I know one thing I need: A good positive friendship with a black person. But like I said my two closest black friends were in college. As positive as they were I haven't been able to form a IR friendship like that since.

I will tell you this(And you can quote me): During the moments when I don't let the thought of an IR bother me ... I feel so much more peaceful and happy. I just wish I could get past it all.


Posted in White Girls Only "Interracial Dating" on 2003-08-04 16:58:46

This is purely for accuracy purposes:

Comparing white men to black men (Roughly ages 21 - 36):

Criminals AIDS / HIV out out of of 1000 1000

White 14 1.85

Black 111 8.45

So, if you meet the same amount of white men and black men you have:

792% greater chance of meeting a black male who is a criminal.

456% greater chance of meeting a black male with AIDS/HIV.

Or, looking at it this way. If you were to refuse dating someone who is either a criminal or someone who has HIV/AIDS, and you were to meet 1000 white and 1000 black males,

119 black males would be rejected and 16 white males would be rejected.

I don't know a white girl who's currently dating a black guy, but I bet if I did she would change her tune after learning all the FACTS.

-My sources: The Associated Press, and The Centers for Disease Control.

Something Else


Take a look at the results of this poll.


It was created over 2 years ago and I'll summarize the results:

Of the white women responding: 76 % preferred white men. 16 % preferred black men 8 % preferred asain men.

Of the black women responding: 57 % women preferred black men 43 % preferred white men

Looke like I would have a much easier time finding a black women who would like to date a white man than you would finding a white woman who would want a black man.

I really think you missed the point of this poll. I wasn't trying to point fingers, or insult anyone. I wanted to just get some information.

YOU. Began the insults and name calling by characterizing how I would treat you without knowing anything about me.

Let's just say the majority of either race will want to date their own race exclusively. There are some people in each race who doesn't look at skin color when dating.



I was thinking about your comment about the information I'm using to judge the black culture is just from the media.

Two comments: 1. I'm assuming that you agree that the black man is not represented very well through the media. Why would you put up with that?

  1. This is from the associated press and gives another opinion about the respectfulness of races. It deals with the criminality of different races.

TAP - Among black men in their 20s or early 30s, about 11 percent were in prison or jail. For the same age group, 4 percent of Hispanic men and 1.5 percent of white men were prisoners.

This shows that if I bump into 9 black men on the street there's a good chance that 1 of them is a criminal. I'd have to bump into 67 white males on the street before I bumped into a criminal.

So, it's not just the media that gives the black man a black eye. It's the black man that gives himself a black eye.

Do you wonder why we don't trust you. And regardless what you say exists...a lot of "self respecting white females" see things the same way.