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User: curious92404


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Posted in Barefoot out of home on 2009-07-27 15:36:55

I love to go outside both shirtless and barefoot. My wife also likes to go barefoot and in the summer, we love to take walks around our neighborhood, her barefoot and me shirtless and barefoot. On weekends, we are often barefoot the entire weekend (and I am barefoot and shirtless) unless we have to go somewhere

Posted in Do you wear socks while having sex? on 2009-07-02 03:42:51

My wife and I like to go barefoot as much as possible. This carries over to when we have sex. We have only ever had sex with each other AND we have only ever done it completely naked. This includes being barefoot while we make love. To us, having sex COMPLETELY naked from head to toe just enhances the mood, feeling, and pleasure

Posted in sex on 2009-06-30 15:12:07

Sporty Lizzie, I totally agree. Whenever my wife and I have sex, we always get completely naked. We've never had sex without us each removing all our clothes. Getting naked just enhances the mood and pleasure and is just a lot more comfortable

Posted in Crying at the Movies. on 2009-03-06 06:12:33

Barefootchick, yes that is the part of the episode that made me cry. I was ok up until that point but once Lucy started crying, I couldn't hold it any more and bawled and also fell to the floor. I couldn't stop crying for an hour but you're right, crying does cleanse and bring relief and I felt better I finally dealt with the pain of my friend's death. . . . As for crying in general, I still rarely ever cry (I think I've only cried twice more since the post I wrote in 2005), but I am now better at not bottling things up than I used to be.

Posted in Things You've Done Barefoot on 2006-04-24 03:32:37

I not only walk barefoot around my neighborhood, but also shirtless (I'm a man). Women, especially those my age (early 20's) have told me I look good with no shirt. I like it when I walk past a cute woman while shirtless and barefoot and she smiles at me, especially if she's barefoot or wearing sandals.