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User: darkdj12



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Posted in terrorism on 2012-09-03 08:05:36


Posted in The Unexplained on 2012-09-03 08:02:12

First I do not believe in Religion, I am a Scientist of the Geek mode, (ok so i am disabled and have learning difficulties but aspergers can make you smart even if it robs you of the ability to spell properly) by that i mean i am a geek in science and computers and technology and many other things just not a qualified scientist.

Second It has been proven by NASA and the RSA that all alien life is microscopic bacteria, amino acids, viruses, protosistient spores and other microbial life forms, there is no threat from anything alien or extra terrestrial with any more intelligence then a collection of mentally challenged lobotomized $%!@roach's. The only Threat they will represent will be to our immune system.

Personally, I would put on a Radiation suit, Gas Mask, Oxygen Tank, and Hax-Mat Suit and fly to a different country.

As for the Battle as God against Evil, Im afraid I already know way to much to post any information on this subject, so I am going to have to say No Comment, However I will say don't listen to, or believe anything you hear or read in news papers, TV, movies, Music, Radio, News, especially if you see any kind of triangular shape or 3 of the digit's six lined up to form a single number

this is manipulation from the highest levels of the world


Posted in Final Fantasy 7 on 2012-09-03 07:27:56

I would say its probably Exp Plus Materia you need so much GP and the little Gill to GP exchange guy hardly ever shows up even after running back and forth 400 times.

If someone can tell me if this works on disk one or not I would be most grateful.

Posted in Leftover childish habits on 2012-09-02 17:35:07

I still wear diapers 24/7 I still have a fear of the dark and the potty monster, I still sleep in a bed with cot sides,

Posted in Potty Training on 2012-09-02 17:02:24

I believe that as a result of starting potty training at 6 months old, suffering abuse at the hands of the so called father from age 3 till I was 13, having no friends, being bullied all the time(even in special schools and college) and being bullied all through my school and college years, these are the reasons why I eventually ended up becoming an Adult Baby. I am Anti-Sexual, not interested in med or woman, and the only reason I wish to be a 12 month old is for emotional and psychological reasons. It is a common Misconception that Adult Babies are pedophiles , we have no interest in real children of any age.