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User: DJsandman


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Posted in Why do people choose to believe in a deity on 2012-03-21 18:04:43


And because you guys aren't intelligent to look up anything relating intelligence and lack of religion here you go. But I highly doubt you'll be intelligent enough to absorb the information through your thick skulls.

Posted in Why do people choose to believe in a deity on 2012-03-21 03:40:25

Religious people believe that just because they believe in fairy-tales it has to be part of the debate. In reality it isn't and when your dealing with people who believe in such utter nonsense they aren't invited to the debate. Religion is fake, you could be one of over a million faiths of different beliefs, the idea of a biblical god is completely seperate from any idea of creation. It doesn't matter what your personal brain processing power is capable of, to give you a platform based on your ridiculous notions without proof is laughable. You are not intelligent because you are gullible, read any bible and its a terrorism nightmare. Muslims and the bible have a very similar indoctrine, fortunately civilized society has prevailed over hate, sexism, racism and homophobia, gone are the days of torture and sexual abuse from the priests and replaced with reason and science. You are useless for thoughtlessly following an plague on the planet.

If you follow the christian bible, then for someone to work on the day of the sabbath, he is to be put to death. Correct, the word of god compels you to kill someone who works on sunday. Sounds like a radical and unjust punishment for working on sunday, so its a good thing now we have evolved beyond church with exceptions from a few morons such as yourself, and the world is going in the direction of athiesm. I am definitely smarter then you, I'm sure my iq is higher because if you had my mind you wouldn't be confined to worshipping a book of fairy tales from the bronze age to tell you the exact opposite of today's ideals. Keep living in the dark ages you drone.

Posted in Why do people choose to believe in a deity on 2012-03-09 09:46:24

RYou do not have speical powers I don't, I don't know what happens when we die so nobody does. There are those who pretend they know and revert to an easy solution in the abstence of knowledge, but those are weak minded people. I can't disprove an infinite number of things, I can't prove wether or not santa is real and you can tell me evolution is a theory. But in the end I am right because gravity is a theory and the earth being round is only a theory but it has been strained and tested, to give god a 50/50% chance of being correct is a ridiculous ideology because their are an infinite number of possibilities coming from other dimensions that people in our 3 dimensional frame cannot understand.

Yes there is indeed a direct correlation between intelligence and lack of religosity, but maybe your not intelligent enough to use google either. 93% of people in the academy of sciences are athiest or agnostic, people in universities show a higher level of athiesm and vancouvers avg iq compared to the rest of canada is second highest at 109, and we are the most athiest city in north america. Religion is a plague on our society and teaches homophobia, racism and sexism. You are not worthy of my time due to your complete ignorance and incompetence. I wouldn't believe a textbook or medical journal from 50 years ago and your somehow dumb enough to believe in a talking snake and some fairy tales from the bronze age.

And yes if you ever bother to stop being blinded by religion you can look at readily available charts of the percentage of people in first world countries who are going athiest going higher and higher. Your probably from the united states, they're probably one of the least intelligent people as a whole. Out of 37 countries only turkey had more people who doubted evolution. Pathetic that people get indocrintated so easily, such feeble minds. Your mom could have told you that you were muslim, believed in zues or applo or one of over a million religions and I'm sure you would believe whatever you were told. When I was 7 I knew santa wasn't real, I made my parents tell me. I have always questioned and understood, for you to say the simple-minded fallacy's I have seen today only make me pity you.

Posted in Why do people choose to believe in a deity on 2012-03-09 08:59:39

This is what I was talking about when I cited a direct correlation between lack of intelligence and religosity. The bible says a thousand years is a day in the eyes of god, I have even heard christians try and argue that dinasaurs were alive within the past 7 thousand years and carbon dating is inaccurate. The strongest argument against god comes from the mouth of a believer.

Posted in Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues on 2012-02-23 00:28:23

not me, only a religious person could waste their time on obscure ideas.