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User: Erin Weimers



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Posted in Girls Clothing Limits in summer. on 2020-08-18 18:01:15

Yeah I got married when I was 18 and my husband has kept me naked at home since! It’s been 19 years so far!

Wow I wish we had thought of this before!

Posted in Girls Clothing Limits in summer. on 2020-07-19 17:24:19

My husband has seen this and agreed. Our daughters are naked now in the home as well. We are not allowed to cover up at all if we have guests. He also chooses what we wear outside the home.

My husband wanted picture of me taking my regular clothes off and me getting my dress on. So yeah tons of naked pictures

Posted in Girls Clothing Limits in summer. on 2020-06-18 23:53:35

I am the mom of the house. I am 37. We have 3 kids. 2 girl, 12 and 16 and 1 boy, 7. My husband has made the rules of the house since before I married him. Everyone is allowed clothes except for me! I have to be naked at all times With no exceptions.