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User: Fair DD


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Posted in Adult Children living at home on 2009-10-25 07:54:24

Yesterday: I haven't forgotten, how could I? E.

Posted in The Woman's Role on 2009-09-12 17:02:32

Stilll under father's authority and ready to loving submission to her only husband. Better only home, without other 'bosses'.

Such is the wife I'll marry and with whom I'll have children, even if at 30 she must go on her parents' lap for a sound spanking.

Any such Christian precious jewel reading?


Posted in Discipline for adult daughters on 2009-08-04 19:26:06

Hilary, you say you're defiant to your mother. A grown woman at 22? Never known one, honestly everybody knows. The Bible never says that at 18, 21 or else you're no more under her authority until you're not rightly married.

Posted in Discipline for adult daughters on 2009-08-02 06:40:37

It's a punishment and a correction, don't be surprised if it isn't pleasant. I hope you know that in the Bible, starting with the book of Proverbs, many times discipline of this kind is ordered to parents as their duty and what happens if they do or if they don't. Anyway if parents accept to see your embarassment and your tears isn't because they are cruel but the opposite, they know it's a (very) little price compared to what happens -on all plans- to those who don't get (and for your sake, accept it) the necessary discipline as much as decided by your parents. If really no friend of yours get it, be sure you're indeed luckier than each of them. BEHAVE!

Posted in Discipline for adult daughters on 2009-07-31 17:42:36

I think it's really unfair to misbehave and to protest for a deserved punishment. Your parents, both of course, have the right and the duty to correct you with all necessary tools, spankings certainly included. If you're smart, take advantage of such serious and caring mother.