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User: Fair DD


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Posted in female inferiority on 2009-05-05 17:30:01

I mean a father who shares his daughter's belting with her soon husband-to-be. Humiliation and submission in front of both father and husband is for someone a strong key to happy households.

And btw, if you're such an adult daughetr spanked by caring parents, pls write me: sculacciatore2000@yahoo.it

Posted in Your worst vice. on 2009-04-18 06:40:14

I do believe that one of the worst vices, and alas so widespread among women, is to lie with 100% selfishness and lofty excuses who at the end are of no help. I'm afraid that before changing one's ways and correcting/fixing all that has broken and giving back what has stolen (in more ways than one) it's useless to speak about the possibility of forgiving.

Posted in female inferiority on 2009-04-11 15:53:47

Well, of course you're right about physical strength but the real reason is that women misbehave quite often and look so much to test how serious men in charge are about their behaviour as fathers or husbands. Sometimes fathers should allow also fianceés to give their naughty daughters the discipline they deserve so often and without shame. I know of fathers that before marriage, I'm not speaking of boyfriends!, who share beltings to the guilty bottoms of their bratty adult daughters. Well done imho :-)

Posted in Curfew and home late punishments for girls over 18 on 2009-03-18 17:23:24

I'm afraid your mail isn't working any more!

Anyway, just to answer, to this post... you're right but the real trouble happens when you move from good to evil. As an ancient proverb says "When the best changes its way, it becomes the worst".

Pls, pay attention!

Posted in I spank my children.(What of it?) on 2009-03-18 08:51:52

Very well said. It's easy also to realize how many people we've met in our lives and see how their life goes and has gone. Most of the well raised have a happy familiy while of course is not true for most of the overindulgent raised boys and girls. If you're Christian and know the Bible teachings it's many times clearly stated what happens with or wothout discipline to one's children. To realize if so said experts are reliable no. 1 is how mush they are in Bible's line or not.