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User: Femrassle


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Posted in Which Is The Biggest Idiot? on 2005-09-03 14:13:36

Whoa! easy there, you bleeding heart lib. Just goes to show you that it's not just us hard-core righties that are judgmental. lol Fortunately, being tough like we are, we can take it, as well as dish it out.

Posted in Supreme Court Nominee on 2005-07-15 08:00:28

Maybe the DNC

will nominate you to take Michael Moore's place when he retires, or you could become the next Dixie Chick(en).

Posted in Which Is The Biggest Idiot? on 2005-07-15 07:51:56

Yeah, heh, heh- good one. Sadaam says your autographed pic is on the way, and he appreciates your support.

Posted in Did religion mess you up? on 2005-04-25 16:52:34

While I agree w. much of what the others have said, I would also add a note of caution: it's very tempting, and all too easy, to hide behind the excuse of "What others did to me- parents, teachers, preachers, peers, etc." What's helpful is when we can see the good that we learned and received from others, and reject the bad, which was often taught in ignorance, not malice, and then seek for God (the only really good life) in the Bible and in the lives of people we truly admire. We looked until we found a great church, where sin isn't whitewashed, nor sinners condemned but offered grace and mercy in Christ. No perfect churches, no perfect Christians, but one perfect, loving and holy God who gave His only begotten Son to redeem us. :-)

Posted in Which Is The Biggest Idiot? on 2005-04-25 13:59:55

Gee, if this is the highest level of repartee you two are capable of, I guess I'll have to expand the list to five. lol Have a nice day, anyway!